Introduced by George MacBeth Lawrence Alloway , the newly appointed Curator of the Guggenheim Museum in New York, talks to T. G. Rosenthal
Helen Frankenthsler , one of the younger New York painters, talks to David Sylvester
Edward Lucie-Smith reports on the retrospective exhibition of paintings and drawings by Mark Tobey at the WhitechapeT Art Gallery in London
Octet, Op. 33 played by the Melos Ensemble : second broadcast
Recorded in the Guildhall, Hull, on June 7, 1961, at the Kingston-upon-Hull Arts Festival.
A new translation by C. A. Trypanis
2: The Choephoroe with Michael Gough Margaret Whiting Mary Wimbush
Chorus of Six Female Servants
Diana Olsson (Leader)
Sheila Grant. Barbara Mitchell
Shirley Cooklin. Elizabeth Richman and Meg Wynn Owen
Chorus directed by Colette King
Music composed and conducted by John Hotchkis Production by VAL GIELGUD
To be repeated on February 20
The Bumenides: Friday at 9.0 p.m.
See page 26
Two Church Cantatas
No. 189: Meine Seele riihmt und preist
Ernst HaeHiger (tenor)
Members of the Munich Bach Orchestra, directed from the harpsichord by Karl Richter
No. 8: Liebster Gott, wann werd' ich sterben?
Ursula Buckel (soprano)
Hertha Topper (contralto) Ernst Haefliger (tenor) Kieth Engen (bass) with the Soloists' Ensemble of the Ansbach Bach Week Conducted by Karl Richter on gramophone records
by Hugh Trevor-Roper
Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford
David Hume , the greatest of British philosophers, was most famous in his own day as a historian. Though now forgotten, this ' tory ' history, sandwiched between whig histories of the 18th and 19th centuries, marked an important stage in the development of English historiography.
: second broadcast