Drolc String Quartet Eduard Drolc (violin) Heinz Bottger (violin)
Siegbert Ueberschaer (viola) Heinz Majowski (cello) Recorded from a concert given during the Edinburgh Festival on August 21, 1961, at the Freemasons' Hall
First of four programmes including Schoenberg's String Quartets
- String Quarter No. 3: Third Programme February 10; String Quartet in D major
(1897): Home Service, February 13
A series of conversations between speakers primarily concerned with the academic study of ideas and those with practical responsibilities
3:Equality, Education, and CultureThe participants are:
Sir Isaiah Berlin
Professor of Social and Political Theory, Oxford University
Lord Gladwyn formerly British Ambassador in Paris
Richard Hoggart
Senior Lecturer in English, Leicester University
Richard Wollheim
Reader in Philosophy. London University
George Woodcock
General Secretary of the T.U.C.
Stuart Hampshire
Professor of Philosophy of Mind and Logic, London University who leads the discussions
Among the questions discussed are whether our educational system in fact promotes inequality, how far equality of culture is a realistic concept, and what are the risks of a meritocracy.
To be repeated on February 23 Command and Power: February 26
Harold Truscott discusses interpretations of the first movement of Schubert's 'Great' C major Symphony by Toscanini,
Klemperer Walter , Furtwangler, and others Paul Hamburger talks about the Mozart D minor Piano Concerto: February 24
The End of an Era by J. M. Richards
The London County Council, which the Government has just announced is to be disbanded, has done remarkable work in creating a new urban landscape in many parts of London. Housing estates at Roehampton, in the East End, and south of the Thames have aroused admiration all over the world. J. M. Richards asks whether splitting the work of the L.C.C. Architect's Department among the London boroughs, as is now proposed, will allow anything like the same standards to be kept up.
: second broadcast