ILYA NEUSTADT , head of the Department of Sociology, University of Leicester, recently stayed in Ghana as Visiting Professor. While there he made a special study of Ghanaian music.
In this programme he introduces recordings he made of traditional and contemporary music, together with parts of a conversation with KWABENA NKETIA, Research Fellow in African Studies at the University College of Ghana, himself a composer and musicologist.
A Norwegian folk tale dramatised by Louis MacNeice
Helga (Beth Boyd ): Father (fames Thomason); Halvor (Patricia Hayes ); Mother (Belly Hardy): Prince (Jeremy Spenser ); Crones (Patience Collier): East Wind (Garard Green); West Wind (Liam Gaffney ); South Wind (Dino Gahani ); North Wind (Laidman Browne ); an assortment of TroHs
Music and specially devised sounds by Tristram Cary
Production by Louis MacNeice
Part 1
by a barrister
On November 26 the Comptroller-General of Patents took off for Moscow to discuss the differences and possible agreements between two systems of patent law. This talk explains the Soviet patent law and practice which prompted this mission.
Part 2
Poems translated and introduced by Hugh Gordon Porteus
Anthony Jacobs and Alan Wheatley
Production by Anthony Thwaite
Li Ho was born into a noble but impoverished family living in Ch'ang-ku, in the Honan countryside, in A.D. 791. Hugh Gordon Porteus comments: Because he wrote so much of ghosts and haunted places, and because of the apparition which is alleged to have spoken to him on his early deathbed ... Li Ho has been called " The Ghost Poet." ' He died in the year 817.
Ralph Kirkpatrick (clavichord)
Geraint Jones (organ)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
French Suite No. 2, in C minor Prelude and Fugue in A Partita No. 2, in C minor
Second of six programmes including Bach's six Partitas and French Suites.