The Amsterdam Duo:
Nap de Klijn (violin) Alice Heksch (piano)
by Martin Cooper
A talk occasioned by Angus Heriot 's recent book The Castrati in Opera.
by Michael Wharton
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Hermann Scherchen
Part 1
Talk by Richard Gray
The report was published last month in Khartoum of the Commission of Enquiry into the Southern Disturbances, August 1995. Richard Gray , who has recently visited Khartoum and the southern Sudan, comments on the findings of the report in the light of the long history of north-south animosity.
Part 2
Four Tone Poems after Böcklin Reger Der geigende Eremit; Im Spiel der
Wellen; Die Toteninsel; Bacchanal
Talk by C. A. R. Crosland
Mr. Crosland examines the national outlay on advertising and considers how far it can be justified on economic grounds.
First of three talks
Dorian Singers
Conductor, Matyas Seiber
There was an old lady of France There was an old person of Cromer There was an old man in a tree
Fourth of six programmes of twentieth-century choral music
A topical programme on the arts, literature, and entertainment
Sny (Dreams)
Zanikle stesti (Happiness at an end): Utecha (Consolation); V Cechach (In Bohemia); Au salon; Pred hradem (The old castle); Ceske posviceni (Czech festival) played by Liza Fuchsova (piano)