Watson Forbes (viola)
Alan Richardson (piano)
Peter Graeme (oboe) Cyril Preedy (piano)
London String Trio
(The first and third works are recorded)
Talk by F. C. Bawden, F.R.S. of Rothamsted Experimental Station
The speaker describes recent work on the structure of viruses, and discusses the origin and function of their components.
Oda Slobodskaya (soprano) with Frederick Stone (piano)
A talk about the Communist International by Richard Lowenthal
Foreign commentator of The Observer
The Communist International: Documents, Volume 1: 1919-1922, edited by Jane Degras , has recently been published
by Ilyas ibn Yusuf Nizami
Translated and presented by Andrew Mango
Part of the poem Is read in Persian by S. A. Q. Taheri
Medieval Persian poetry presents the translator with peculiar difficulties. Because of its relatively limited vocabulary, poets progressively developed the content of words by metaphorical extensions of meaning and by the conscious use of ambiguity and association.
In this programme the intention is to suggest, by the use of three voices, something of the quality which this poem, written some time before 1209, could have had for a contemporary Persian audience. The translation of the poem itself is carried by the second voice; the first voice presents the poet's data (references to the Qur'an and the canonical traditions); while the third voice unfolds some of the complex associations of word and image.
Symphony No. 3, in F
NBC Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Arturo Toscaninl on gramophone records
Symphony No. 4: May 6 and 7
from the novel by David Karp
of the eighteenth century
London Harpsichord Ensemble
Trio-Sonata No. 9, in C, for two violins and continuo...William Boyce
Devised and edited by Stanley Sadie
(The recorded broadcast of Oct. 27)