Ilse Wolf (soprano)
Martin Isepp (piano)
Mein wundes Hera
Kranze Nachtwandler
Trennung Von ewiger Liebe
Schon war, das ich dlr weihte
Damm'rung senkte sich von oben 0 kilhler
Wald Sehnsucht
Fifth of seven programmes
Sir Charles Dilke
The recently published biography of Sir Charles Dilke has as its sub-title A Victorian Tragedy.' This is the theme of a conversation about Dilke between
The author of the book
Roy Jenkins , M.P.
W. L. Burn
Professor of Modern History In the University of Durham and John Sparrow
WardeD of All Souls College, Oxford
Ruggiero Ricci (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)
by Josef Bard with music by Matyas Seiber
Produced by D. G. Bridson
Suite for viola and cello (1949) Wind Septet (1949)
Four pieces for violin and viola
Portia Wind Ensemble:
Mary Ryan (flute)
Rosemary Wells (oboe)
Thea King (clarinet)
Daphne Down (bass clarinet)
Deirdre Dundas Grant (bassoon)
Valerie Smith (horn) with David Mason (trumpet)
Conductor, James Verity
Virtuoso String Trio: Neville Marriner (violin) Stephen Shingles (viola) Francisco Gabarro (cello)
Last of three programmes