Talk by P. H. Nowell-Smith
Fellow of Trinity College. Oxford
The distinction between Ethics and Psychology has been overdrawn: so Mr. Nowell-Smith argues. ' What an absurd business this whole enterprise of establishing different subjects is! It is just as if a chemist ...'
Mass: Videte miraculum
Gloria; Credo; Sanctus; Agnus Dei
Edited by Hugh Baillie who introduces the work sung by the Schola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington
Nicholas Ludford (c. 1485-1557) was a younger contemporary of Cornyshe, Pygott, and Fayrfax. Thomas Morley mentions him in his treatise as a ' practitioner ' whose work he had studied. His main contribution consists of a group of six three-part masses, published in 1536, intended for performance each on a different day of the week.
Talk by Reyner Banham
The speaker, who is a lecturer in the history of design at the L.C.C. Central School of Arts and Crafts, suggests that the standards by which the design of mass-produced goods is judged need to be put on a broader basis than is provided by accepted theories of industrial design-that, in fact, man and not the product is the end in view.
Introduced by Philip Larkin
Sonata in A, Op. 101 played by Wilhelm Kempff (piano)
This is the first of five programmes in which Wilhelm Kempff is to play Beethoven's late piano sonatas.
The first of two talks by R. F. Kahn
Professor of Economics
In the University of Cambridge
Although Lord Keynes is associated with the economics of depression, much of what he had to say is relevant to Britain's present economic difficulties.
Symphony No. 2, in D
NBC Svmphonv Orchestra
Conducted by Arturo Toscaninl on gramophone records
by Angus Wilson
The adventures of a political innocent in the 'thirties
The Macgibbon String Quartet