Flute Concerto (The Goldfinch) played by Ludwig Pfersman (flute) Chamber Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera on gramophone records
at Tintagel in Lyonesse by Thomas Hardy
Cast in order of speaking:
and and Music composed and conducted by Norman Demuth
Raymond Nilsson and Helen Watta
Ondes Martenot played by Kathleen Stephenson
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
An opera in four acts
Libretto by Temistocle Solera
English version by Norman Tucker and Tom Hammond
Music by Verdi
Welsh National Opera Chorus
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Derek Collier )
Producer, John Moody
From the Empire Theatre, Swansea
The action takes place in Jerusalem and Babylon in Biblical times
Acr 1: Jerusalem
Inside the Temple of Solomon
7.50 app. Interval
7.66 app. Acr 2: The Blasphemy
Scene 1: Abigail's room in the palace at
Scene 2: A hall in the palace
8.30 app. Interval
8.35 app. Act 3: The Prophecy
Scene 1: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon Scene 2: On the banks of the Euphrates
9.10 app. Interval
9.16 app. Act 4: The Broken Idol Scene 1: Abigail's room in the Palace Scene 2: The Temple of Baal
A Car Ride to Ecuador
First of two talks by V. S. Pritchett
played by Leonard Cassini
Talk by Denys Page
Professor of Greek
In the University of Cambridge
One of the most important archaeological events of modern times was the discovery in 1907 of the capital city of the Hittite Empire in central Asia Minor. Thousands of documents were recovered and deciphered; and it has always been a controversial question whether these documents contain any mention of the Greeks-the people called Achaeans in the Homeric poems. In this talk, based on a lecture delivered in Oxford last August, Professor Page reviews the question and suggests that it is now possible to give a definite answer to it.
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 15)