Talk by J. D. Krige
Professor of Social Anthropology
University of Natal, Durban
' To reduce human suffering to the freaks of fortune, or attribute it to statistical averages, seems to the African a poor substitute for a moral philosophy in which black magic figures as a final cause.' Professor Krige believes that the reason for the persistence of magicomedical beliefs among Bantu is to be found in these terms.
by Granados
Part 1:
Los requiebros; Coloquio en la reja; El fandango de Candil; Quejas 6 la maja y el ruisefior
Part 2:
El amor y la muerte, Balada; Epilogo, Serenata del espectro played by Eric Parkin (piano)
by Michel de Ghelderode
Translated and adapted for radio by Joanna Richardson and Patrie Dickinson
Music composed and conducted by Christopher Whelen
Production by John Gibson
Symphony No. 1, in C minor
London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Felix Weingartner on gramophone records
During the next four weeks all Brahms's symphonies, conducted by Weingartner and by Toscanini, are to be broadcast from gramophone records.
A selection compiled and Introduced by Robert Gittings
Reader, Jane Wenham
Last summer Robert Gittings collected four hundred poems, mostly written by children between the ages of eleven and fifteen at secondary modern schools. In this programme he presents and comments on some of these poems.
Mass: Assumpta est Maria
Choristers of Ely Cathedral
Renaissance Singers
(male voices)
Conductor, Michael Howard
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 22)
Talk by A. J. Marshall
Reader in Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of London
The speaker explains that an apparently ordinary African fish, tilapia, presents a problem of great interest and importance to scientists and economists alike.
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 25)