by Kevin Holland
The riots of African women, the resignation of the Province's Executive Committee, and the Natal-led split in the South African Opposition have brought Natal more into the news recently than at any time since the siege of Ladysmith.
Mr. Holland analyses the trends behind these events, which he believes apply to South Africa as a whole.
by Zvonimir Bajsic
Translated by Karla Kunc and D. Matko
Music by Miljenko Prohaska Produced by Archie Campbell
Orchestra conducted by Alan Paul
The names of the composers in this programme will be announced only after the performance of their works. The listener is invited to preserve his * innocence ' by not trying to guess the composer and by approaching the music with fresh judgment, freed from prejudice.
Eight Piano Pieces played by Celia Ariel ! and A String Quartet (in four movements) played by the Quartet Pro Musica: Patrick Hailing (violin)
Ernest Scott (violin)
Gwynne Edwards (viola)
Peter Hailing (cello)
Programme devised and produced by Robert Simpson
Further programmes of this kind will be broadcast early next year.
Contraction with Consent by Sir Raymond Streat , K.B.E.
Chairman of the Cotton Board
The reorganisation of the cotton industry is proceeding on entirely novel lines. Protection, nationalisation, and contraction through bankruptcy have all been discarded in favour of a new kind of government intervention. Sir Raymond Streat examines its prospects of success and speculates on its possible application elsewhere.
(: second broadcast)
Richard Lewis (tenor) with piano
Last of three programmes