by P. B. Medawar C.B.E., F.R.S. ,
Jodrell Professor of ?Soology and Comparative Anatomy at University College, London
A series of six lectures on the problems involved in thinking about the biological future of the human race.
3-The Limits of Improvement
The first of a number of programmes featuring trends in the development of its repertoire over the past too years or so. Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
A section of the London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Hugh Maguire )
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Part 1
J. M. Richards argues about the controversy sparked off by the design for the large new building In the Circus
Part 2
The second concert in this series, on December 17, will include Stravinsky's Concertino, Ravel's Trois Poemes de Mal larme, Serenade No. 2 by Bruno Maderna , and Berg's Chamber Concerto.
Short story by Muriel Spark
Read by Avril Elgar
*I am glad that I went to the secondary modem school, because it was only constructed the year before. Therefore, it was much more hygienic than the grammar school.' This is the attitude of Lorna, who has hygiene where her heart should be.
Alfred Brendel (piano)
Sonetto del Petrarca No. 104
Apres une lecture de Dante
Reminiscences de Lucia di Lammermoor
(BBC recording: second broadcast)