John Wolfe (oboe)
Stephen Waters (clarinet) Edward Wilson (bassoon)
Jean Pougnet (violin) Anthony Pini (cello)
Humphry House speaks on symbolism in Pre-Raphaelite poetry
Fifth of a series of six talks
Mass in B flat
Margaret Ritchie (soprano)
Gwen Hirst (contralto)
David Lloyd (tenor)
Lloyd Gwyther (bass)
Augmented Welsh Singers
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conducted by Idris Lewis
Adapted by Christopher Sykes
Other parts played by Eileen Hartly Hodder. Preston Lockwood , Bryan Powley , and Charles Maunsell
Production by Douglas Cleverdon
Zara Nelsova (cello) Wilfrid Parry (piano)
Hirsch String Quartet:
Leonard Hirsch (violin) Reginald Morley (violin)
Max Gilbert (viola)
Harvey Phillips (cello)
A Meditation
Conducted by Canon Eric Abbott Dean of King's College, London
Music sung by students.of the College under the direction of the organist, the Rev. Harold Last
Eric Ashby , Professor of Botany at Manchester University, talks about the recent decree on biological research from the Soviet Academy of Sciences
Romeo and Juliet, Suite No. 2 played by the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Eugene Mravinskij
Talk by Patrick O'Donovan '
The speaker was recently a foreign correspondent in the Near East