Music drama in three acts
(sung in German)
Thuringian knights, ladies, pilgrims, sirens, nymphs, bacchantes Chorus and Orchestra of the Bayreuth Festival
(Chorus-Master, Wilhelm Pits ) CONDUCTED BY IGOR MARKEVITICH
Producer, Wieland Wagner
The action takes place in Thuringia at the beginning of the thirteenth century
Scene 1: The interior of the Venusberg
Scene 2: The valley in front of thcWartburg
by Sean O'Faolain
Produced by Rayner Heppenstall
The date is 1868, four years after that undignified controversy which produced one of the noblest books in the language, Cardinal Newman's Apologia pro Vita Sua.
Act 2
The hall of song in the Wartburg
' Life to the last enjoy'd, here Churchill lies'
Douglas Grant talks about the eighteenth-century satirist and introduces a selection of his work read by Felix Felton
Act 3
The valley in front of the Wartburg
Talk by Kathleen Bliss
As a result of a questionnaire sent to all the Churches that were members of the World Council of Churches, a considerable amount of material was received on the attitude of various traditions to the service and status of women in the Churches. Dr. Bliss gives the result of a survey of the material.
(' La Zapatera Prodigiosa ') by Federico Garcia Lorca
Translated by Roy Campbell
Textual consultant, J. E. Varey Music composed and conducted by Matyas Seiber
Radio adaptation and production by Frederick Bradnum
(Continued in next column)
' The Third Programme has already presented three of Lorca's tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, and The House of Bernarda Alba. Now for the first time we are to hear one of his comedies ...' On page 5 Dr. J. E. Varey introduces The Marvellous Shoemaker's-Wife.
The Wigmore Ensemble: Terence MacDonagh (oboe)
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Gwydion Brooke (bassoon)
Jean Pougnet (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Talk in French by Albert Camus about his novel