A Comedy by T. S. Eliot
Production by E. J. King Bull
Part 1
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Cecil James (bassoon)
Douglas Cameron (cello)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Duo in B flat, for clarinet and bassoon
Allegro sostenuto
Aria con variazioni
Twelve Variations for cello and piano on ' Ein Mad'ohen Oder Weibchen from Mozart's ' Die Zauberflote '
Part 2
by C. F. Ramuz
Translated by D. F. Aitken
, Music by Igor Stravinsky
Conducted by Paul Sacher
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Max Rostal (violin)
Frederick Thurston (clarinet)
Cecil James (bassoon)
Harold Jackson (trumpet) James Whelan (trombone)
James Merrett (double-bass)
James Blades (percussion)
Preceded by an introductory talk by Herbert Murrill
A series of talks suggested by the South Bank Exhibition
1-Steel and Stone by Anthony Chitty , F.R.I.B.A.
The speaker comments on the way contemporary architects make use of the variety of materials available in the design of their buildings.
Alfred Orda (baritone)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Patrick Piggott (piano)
Rondeau a la mazur, Op. 5
Smutna Rzeka : Posel: Pierscien; Narzeezony; Spiew Grobowy ; Hulanks; Wojak
Four Mazurkas:
A minor. Op. 67 No. 4 C, Op. 56 No.2
A flat, Op. postli.
(first broadcast performance)
F sharp minor. Op. 59 No.
by Max Beerbohm
Arranged for broadcasting and produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Glee and Madrigal Society (Choir-Master, Harold Sykes )
Conducted by Leslie Woodgate
and the Predicament of the Historical Imagination
Talk by Erich Heller