by Le Roux Smith Le Roux
A double exhibition of contemporary British painting is being shown this summer by the Arts Council. The first part. until recently on view in London, is at present being shown in Manchester; the second part can now be seen at the New Burlington Galleries, London.
Quintet in F minor played by The New London Quartet:
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin)
Keith Cummings (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello) Harry Isaacs (piano)
Talk by the Rev. R. Gregor Smith
The speaker reviews three lectures given by Karl Jaspers at Heidelberg University in 1950, published under the title Vernunfl und Widervernunfl in unserer Zeit. Very little of Dr. Jaspers' work has been translated into Enghsh, but the influence of this existentialist philosopher on the Continent is considerable.
Words by Torquato Tasso translated by Peter Pears
Music by Claudio Monteverdi
English Opera Group
Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Hans Geiger )
Conducted by Benjamin Britten
The action takes place at the time of the Crusades
Opera in three acts by Henry Purcell in a new realisation by Benjamin Britten
Aeneas, a Trojan prince....Peter Pears
Courtiers, witches, and sailors sung by Joan Cairns , Cecilia Cardozo
Mary Grimmett , Eilidh McNab Doreen Orme , Tatiana Preston Esmé Sanford. Pauline Tinsley Terence Conoley , Andrew Gold John Hauxvell , Scott Herbert
Glyn Jenkins , George Neighbour
George Prangnell , Frederick Westcott
English Opera Group
Chamber Orchestra
(Leader. Hans Geiger )
Conducted by Benjamin Britten
Produced by Joan Cross
Scene: Carthage in classical times
Act 1
Scene 1: Dido's court
Scene 2: The witches' cave
8.55 Interval
9.5 Act 2
A grove
Act 3
A harbour
by Wyndham Lewis
Scene: Outside Heaven with John Richmond , Eric Anderson
Eric Lugg , Ernest Sefton
Tony van den Burgh . Martin Starkle
Bryan Powley , Stanley Groome and Richard George
Music composed by Walter Goehr
Produced by D. G. Bridson
Divertimenti played by the London Wind Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute) Peter Newbury (oboe)
Frederick Thurston 'clarinet)
Norman Fawcett (bassoon)
A talk by M. V. Wilkes , Director of the Mathematical Laboratory at Cambridge, on the use of automatic calculating machines for scientific calculations