The Wigmore Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Terence MacDonagh (oboe)
Jack Brymer (clarinet) Jean Pougnet (violin) Thomas Carter (violin) Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Eugene Cruft (double-bass)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
Carl Dolmetsch talks about his father, Arnold Dolmetsch
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano)
Gerald Moore (piano)
Lieder der Mignon (Goethe):
Heiss mich nicht reden; Kennst du das Land?: Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt; So lasst mich scheinen
Ellens Gesange (Sir Walter Scott ):
Raste, Krieger; Jager, ruhe von dcr Jagd!; Ave
Maria Suleika 1 (Goethe):
Was bedeutet die Bewegung
Suleika 2 (Goethe):
Ach, um deine feuchten Schwingen
A series of Schubert lieder recitals
Talk by Glyn E. Daniel
Fellow of St. John's College,
Cambridge Glyn Daniel talks about the close association that seems to exist, at any rate in the tradition of British excavation, between the military and the archaeological life. His remarks are prompted by the recent publication of Archaeology from the Earth by Sir Mortimer Wheeler.
by Georg Biichner
Translated by John Holmatrom
Music composed and conducted by Francis Chagrin
The play adapted and produced by R. D. Smith
Time: Mardh and April 1794 Place: The streets, revolutionary courts, and gaols of Pans; akso the guillotine
During the interval (9.50-10.0 app.):
String Quartet in B flat. Op. 14 No. 5 played by the Loewenguth Quartet on gramophone records
Choir of Salisbury Cathedral
Conductor, Douglas Guest
Ronald Tickner (organ)