Pietro Scarpinl (piano)
Philharmonia Orchestra (Leader, Manoug Panikian )
Conducted by WaLter Goehr
Anthony Quinton reviews the miscellaneous collection of George Orwell 's essays published posthumously under the title England, Your England
A survey of Spanish music prepared by Roberto Gerhard and Lionel Salter
6-Music at the Courts of Carlos V and Felipe II
Edited by Lionel Salter
Filharmonia Vocal Ensemble :
Emilia Quer de Baucis (soprano)
Anitontia Jorda (soprano)
Nunia Quer de Climent (contralto)
Francisco Paulet (tenor)
Ennique Climent (bass)
(Continued in next column)
Ars Musicae
Instrumental Ensemble:
Renata Tannago (vihuela)
Graoiano Tarrago
(vihuela, bowed lyre, viola da bnaccio)
Otto Schwarz (descant viol)
Antonio Figuenas
(alto viol and bass recorder) Mania Capdevila (tenor viol)
Fernando Casanovas (viola da bracclo, base recorder, bass viol, nakere)
Isabel Rocha (alto recorder)
Andres Figuenas
(alto viol and base recorder)
Francisco Puentas (slide trumpet)
Juan Cisa (slide trumpet) Jose Nadal (al.to sackbut)
José Viladot (tenor sackbut)
Antonio Magadan (bass sackbut) Direoted by José Mania Lamafia Introduced by Roberto Gerhard
Pavana real - anon.
Que farem del pabne Joan - M. Flecha (viejo)
A bente y slete de marzo - anon.
Pnado verde y florddo - Guerrero
Fantasia a tres - Valderrabano
Moreraicame era yo - Vazquez
Llorad conmigo, pastores - Garzon
Bon jorn, - Pedro Vila
Fantasia a sei - anon.
Lagrimas de mi consuelo - Cebrian
Ay Jesus que mal frayle - anon.
A series of illustrated talks by Edward Sackville-West
In each of these talks Edward Sackville-West considers the characteristic style of a particular pianist, his approach to his repertoire, and his interpretation of the great works in it. (The recorded broadcast of June 18.) Last talk, on Rosenthal: January 28.
by W. B. Yeats with music specially composed by John Buckland
The orchestra conducted by Patrick Savill
Radio adaptation and production by Frederick Bradnum
Cast in order of speaking:
The place is firstly at an open space between three streets just before dawn; and then in the castle throne-room the same morning
String Quartet No. 2 played by the Griller String Quartet:;
Sidney Griller (violin) Jack O'Brien (violin) Philip Bunton (viola) Colin Hampton (cello)