- Author:
- W. B. Yeats
- Composed By:
- John Buckland
- Conducted By:
- Patrick Savill
- Production By:
- Frederick Bradnum
- First Old Man:
- Rupert Davies
- Second Old Man:
- Derek Birch
- Septimus, a poet:
- Brian Wilde
- Third Old Man:
- Donald Cresewell
- Old Woman:
- Eileen Thorndike
- Happy Tom, a popular poet:
- Douglas Hayes
- Peter, another popular poet:
- Elliot Playfair
- First Citizen:
- Max Brimmell
- Second Citizen:
- Marvin Kane
- Third Citizen:
- Anthony Jemmett
- First Countryman:
- Douglas Hayes
- Second Countryman:
- Elliot Pbaytfadr
- Third Coumtryman:
- Patrick Westwood
- A Big Countryman:
- Victor Platt
- Tapster:
- Donald Cresswell
- An Old Beggar:
- John Cazabon
- Decima, the Player Queen:
- Maxine Audley
- First Player:
- Donald Cresswell
- Second Player:
- Max Brimmell
- Stage Manager:
- Derek Birch
- The Prime Minister:
- Eric Anderson
- Nona, an actress:
- Betty Baskcomib
- The Queen:
- Andrea Lea
- The Bishop:
- Rupert Davies