(Volumes 2 and 3) A review by Gustav Reese
Two volumes of records have recently been issued in connection with the forthcoming Oxford History of Music; between tticm they cover music from the troubadours 10 Momeverdi. A (handbook containing much of the music on the records it issued with cach volume.
The speaker is Professor of Music in the University of New York.
The novel by Anita Loos
Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Douglas Cleverdon
A sacred trilogy
English translation by Paul England
In order of singing:
Chorus of soothsayers, unseen angels, shepherds, Ishmaelites
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader. Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
Part 1: The Dream of Herod
A march by night - a street, in Jerusalem; The interior of Herod's palace; The stable at Bethlehem
Part 2: The Flight into Egypt
The shepherds assemble at the manger at Bethlehem: The shepherds' farewell to the Holy Family; The repose of the Holy Family
French New Look by Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber
Editor of L'Exprès
Part 3: The Arrival at Sais
Within the town of Sail
(Howell Glynne broadcasts by permission of the General Administrator, Royal Opera House Covem Garden, Ltd.; Rowland Jones , by permission of Sadler's Wells Trust, Ltd.)
Another performance: tomorrow afternoon (Home)
A monthly magazine of new poetry and prose, edited and introduced by Ludovic Kennedy
Margaret Hodsdon (virginals)
This is the first of a series of twelve programmes of keyboard music, from the Elizabethans to Chopin.