Quartet in E flat, Op. 127 played by the Busch String Quartet:
Adolf Busch (violin)
Gosta Andrcasson (violin)
Karl Doktor (viola)
Hermann Busch (cello) on gramophone records
Talk by David Cairns, Lecturer in Divinity in the University of Aberdeen
Dr. Cairns had already written a book with the tide of this talk when he turned to a recent publication Sature and Man in Biblical Thought by E.C. Rust. In this talk Dr Cairns reviews Dr. Rust's book.
(The recorded broadcast of Nov. 21)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Paul Kletzki
Part 1
A shortened version of an address by Sir James George Frazer
Read by T. S. Gregory
In May 1908 Sir James Frazer spoke, at the University of Liverpool, on his conception of ' the latest-born of the sciences ' and of the pressing need for its furtherance. ' In another quarter of a century,' he said, ' there will be Mile or nothing of the old savage life left to record.' This reading is one of a group of programmes to mark the centenary of Sr James Frazer's birth.
Part 2
Sinfonia Piccola.... Alexandre Tansman
(first performance in this country)
La Mer: three symphonic sketches
De l'aube a midi sur la mer; Jeux de vagues; Dialogue du vent et de la mer
Alexandre Tansman, pianist, conductor, and composer, was born in 1897 in Lodz, Poland (the same town as Paul Kletzki). Like Kletzki, he studied in Warsaw, but in 1920 he went to Paris and later became a French citizen. During the war years he live-d in the U S.A. His compositions include a symphony, two piano concertos, and four stringquarters. The Sinfonia Piccoia, written in Paris two years ago, is in four movements: Introduction and Allegro, Aria, Scherzo, and Allegro con moto. D. C.
Esm6 Percy recounts some personal memories
A survey of Spanish music prepared by Roberto Gerhard and Lionel Salter
2-Music from the Llibre Vermeil
A selection of Cants dels Romeus, or medieval pilgrims' songs, from the Codex in the possession of the Monastery of Montserrat, recorded in the Monastery by boys of the Montserrat Choir School, with instrumental accompaniment directed by Padre David Pujol
Introduced by Roberto Gerhard
Stella splendens; Los set goigs; Mariam malrem; Cuncti simus; Imperayritz de la civtat joyosa; Polorum regina; Ad mortem testinamus; 0 Virgo splendens
A report on the Soviet point of view as expressed recently in the Soviet Press and broadcasts to the U.S.S.R,
Compiled by members of the BBC foreign news depantmemt
Henriette Canter (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)