® from page 53 of 'New Every Morning'
Vivienne De Watteville
All arrangements by Margaret Gruffydd and Richard Charlton
German for Sixth Forms
Puppenspiel: Der Froschkonig
(From the Acts of the Apostles to the Reformation) Second series
5—' Rival Religions '
(Conflict and conquest in the early centuries)
Cyril Bailey , M.B.E., F.B.A., Classical Tutor of Balliol College,
from the Concert Hall,
Broadcasting House
Clifford Roberts
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Bizet (bom October 25, 1838)
Symphony No. 1, in C
1 Allegro vivo. 2 Adagio. 3 Allegro vivace. 4 Allegro vivace
1.36 Adagietto (L'Arlesienne)
A serial reading from Herman
Melville's ' Moby Dick ' by Geoffrey Tandy
Ishmael 'and the harpooner Queequeg have signed on with the whaler Pequod and they are waiting about Nantucket for her to sail.
Captain Peleg and Captain Bildad
(the chief owners of the ship) are in command while she is being fitted out, but nothing has been seen so far of Captain Ahab, who will command her at sea. All that Ishmael knows of him is from vague insinuations. and that since his last voyage he has kept to his home in sinister circumstances.
In this instalment he is to learn more of his captain and eventually to put to sea.
D Time Signal, Greemuich, at 2.0
' Science and Gardening
The Soil
' Digging and Trenching '
Today C. F. Lawrance , Horticultural Superintendent of the Northamptonshire County Council, will give the first of his talks this term on practical aspects of gardening. At the present season of the year digging and trenching are the most important activities in the garden, and C. F. Lawrance will tell his listeners, among other things, how labour may be saved by the dividing of large plots. He will further discuss the right and wrong ways of digging, and run over the various types of tools required for these seasonal operations.
2.25 © 'Interval Music
2.30 Early Stages in Music ' Quavers and Semiquavers '
' Dowsers on Trial'
A televised experiment in water and metal divining
Described by F. H. Grisewood and S. J. de Lotbiniere from the grounds of Alexandra Palace
© Early Stages in German
Joseph Shadwick (violin)
Wilfrid Parry (pianoforte)
[Programme continued overleaf
Brahms v. Wagner
Presented by Helen Henschel
Although Brahms did not really approve of Wagner's music, he was, especially in middle and later life, very tolerant towards it. On the other hand, Wagner, who had few good words to say about any of his contemporaries, was never tired of showering contempt and invective upon Brahms. For instance, on being shown a score of Brahms's ' Song of Triumph ', he dismissed the work as ' Handel, Mendelssohn, and Schumann swathed in leather'.
including Weather Forecast
' Modern Music-How Does It
Strike You ? '—3
Percy A. Scholes , B.Mus.
Get out your pencils and your paper
A twenty-minute diversion devised by Harry S. Pepper , and presented by Douglas Moodie
(Oh, can't you hear the Chimes ?)
Carroll Gibbons
Inspector Homleigh Investigates, No. 45, by H. W. Priwin , with S. J. Warmington as Inspector
Hornleigh Gertrude Niesen
The Three Chaps
(Claude Hulbert , Bobbie Comber , and Paul England)
Mrs. H. and Mrs. C. gossip over the garden wall
Binnie Hale -
The BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Charles Shadwell
Produced by Harry S. Pepper and Douglas Moodie
Conspicuous on the bill this week are The Three Chaps who will be reunited this evening after seven years of separation. As The Four Chaps, with a fourth who was changed from time to time, they broadcast in the old Savoy Hill days.
A Musical Survey by Ben Frankel and his Orchestra with Dorothy Carless
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
The first of three special concerts in celebration of the centenary of his birth
Gwen Catley (soprano)
Edward Reach (tenor)
Bradbridge White (tenor)
Frederick Sharp (baritone)
The BBC Singers
The BBC Orchestra (Section D)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
First Suite, L'Arlesienne
1 Prelude. 2 Minuetto. 3 Adagietto. 4 Carillon
Three Operatic Excerpts:
Chorus and Reverie, Le soleil s'en va (The sun is setting) (Djamileh)
Haroun: Edward Reach
Ghazel (Djamileh)
Djamileh: Gwen Catley
Haroun: Edward Reach
Splendiano: Frederick Sharp
Finale, Act 2 (The Pearl-Fishers)
Leila: Gwen Catley
Nadir: Edward Reach
Zurga : Brdbridge White
Nourabad: Frederick Sharp
Second Suite, L'Arlesienne
1 Pastorale (with chorus). 2 Intermezzo. 3 Minuet. 4 Farandole
(The second concert in this series will be broadcast on Tuesday (National, 6.45) and the third on Saturday (Regional, 7.35).
(See the article by Scott Goddard on page 14)
' Le Roi Soleil '
E. M. Stephan
This September Frenchmen celebrated the tercentenary of the birth of Louis XIV, and Monsieur Stephan , who is general editor of this series, will talk about Le Roi Soleil as the architect of modem France.
(From North)
Maxine Sullivan and Bob Howard