(B) From page 57 of 'New Every Morning'
Directed by A. H. Morgan
(Western Programme)
by A M. Henderson from the University Chapel,
The Kutcher Trio :
Samuel Kutcher (violin)
Douglas Cameron (violoncello)
Harry Isaacs (pianoforte)
Rev. A. S. McNairn
Directed by John MacArthur
(From Scottish)
A Christmas Box of Records from
Lionel Gamlin and Leslie Perowne
in King's College Chapel, Cambridge, upon Christmas Eve, 1937 from King's College Chapel, Cambridge
Processional Hymn, Once in Royal David's City
The Bidding Prayer
Invitatory Carol: O Little Town of Bethlehem (Walford Davies)
First Lesson: Genesis iii, 8-15. God announceth in the Garden of Eden that the seed of woman shall bruise in the serpent's head
Reader: A Chorister
Ding, Dong! Merrily on High (Old French)
I saw three ships (Traditional English, arr. Martin Shaw)
Second Lesson: Genesis xxii, 15-18.
God promiseth to faithful Abraham that in his seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed
Reader: A Choral Scholar
Carol: The Holly and the Ivy
(Traditional French, arr. Walford Davies )
Third Lesson: Isaiah ix, 2, 6, 7.
Christ's Birth and Kingdom are foretold by Esaias
Reader: The Organist
Carol: God rest you merry, Gentlemen (Traditional English)
Fourth Lesson: Micah v, 2, 3, 4.
The prophet Micah foreseeth the glory of little Bethlehem
Reader: A Fellow
Carol: In Dulci Jubilo (Old German)
Fifth Lesson: Luke i, 26-33 and 38. The Angel Gabriel visiteth the Blessed Virgin Mary
Reader: The Vice-Provost
Carol: The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Old Basque)
Sixth Lesson: Matthew i, 18-23. St.
Matthew telleth of Christ's Holy Birth
Reader: A Free Church Minister
Carol: While Shepherds Watched (Estels Psalter)
Seventh Lesson: Luke ii, 8-16. The Shepherds go unto the Manger
Reader: The Mayor's Chaplain
Carols: Shepherds in the Field abiding (Old Lorraine, arr. Charles Wood)
Hail! Holy Child, Lain in an oxen manger (Old Flemish)
Eighth Lesson: Matthew ii, 1-11.
The Wise Men are led by the Star to Jesus
Reader: A Representative of the Sister-College at Eton
Carol (solo): The Three Kings (Cornelius)
Ninth Lesson: John i, 1-14. St.
John unfoldeth the great mystery of the Incarnation
Reader: The Provost
Carol: O Come, all ye Faithful (Old French)
Collect for Christmas Day
Recessional Hymn: Hark! the herald Angels sing (Mendelssohn)
(A copy of the Order of Service, giving the carols and prayers in full, can be obtained from the Dean, King's College, Cambridge, at a cost of one shilling, post free)
A Preface for Christmas
Geoffrey Tandy
by Edward Reach (tenor)
including Weather Forecast
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conducted by Ian Whyte
by Francis Beeding
The characters are
Peter Hamilton
Clark, his manservant
The Rt. Hon. Geoffrey Curtis ,
Under-Secretary to the Home Office
Colonel Granby, of the British
Intelligence Service
Walker, his manservant Charles Matthews
Joe and The Dude, his accomplices Madame Grazielli , a prima donna Monica Cooper , her secretary
The cast also includes call-boys, taximen, landlady, constable, railway station officer, two small boys, 'bus conductor
Produced by John Cheatle
London's Buskers' Own Show
String Quartet in E flat, No. 10
1 Allegro moderato
2 Scherzo i Prestissimo
3 Adagio 4 Allegro played by The Alfred Cave String Quartet:
Alfred Cave (first violin) ; Ernest Element
; Frank Venton (viola) ; Harry Stanier
With an introduction by Victor Hcly-Hutchinson
(From Midland)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Dancing tonight to
The BBC Empire Orchestra under the direction of Eric Fogg
F. H. Grisewood takes his daughter to a Pre-War Dance
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Harold Lowe
A Sombre Anthology for the Eve of Christmas
Arranged by Igor Vinogradoff
Those taking part art
Lilian Harrison
Arthur Evans
G. R. Schjelderup
H. 0. Nicholson
Carleton Hobbs
Produced by M. H. Allen
from the Astoria Dance Salon