From page 87 of ' When Two or Three '
Directed by John Bridge
Douglas Hall (violin)
Directed by Harry Davidson
Relayed from
The Commodore Theatre,
Dance Music
Eurhythmics, the theory which teaches that a feeling for rhythm should be a physical as well as a mental experience, is closely associated with the name of Jaques-Dalcroze, the Swiss musician who invented and developed the theory as a practical course of instruction. As a composer, Jaques-Dalcroze is little known in this country, which is less than his due, for he has written a great deal in every form, from operas to piano pieces. His compositions consist mostly, however, of original songs and arrangements of old French folk-tunes, and these are so numerous that items appear in the publisher's list under every letter of the French alphabet excepting X, Y, and Z. Surely a record; even with Schubert in the running
At The Organ of The Granada, Tooting
Relayed from The May Fair Hotel
5.15 Daventry
The Children's Hour
' At the Seaside Again '—2. Fish, Fishermen, and the Fish-Market', by H. G. HODDER
A Holiday Competition
THE WOODMAN (A. Bonnet Laird)
Weather Forecast, First General News
Bulletin and Bulletin for Farmers
F. CLARKE : 'Golf: The Caddie's
Point of View'
It seems there are two kinds of caddies : those who stay attached to one particular club, and those who travel from one club to another, following the big matches. Mr. F. Clarke is a travelling caddie.
It is easy to see that he has chosen the more ambitious branch of his profession, but, like everything that is ambitious, it is far from being the safer one. There may be comparatively big rewards if you are known and your luck is in, but there may be also long journeys which have to be made for financial reasons on foot or by ' lorry-jumping ', the expense of lodgings on arrival, and perhaps no employment at all at the end.
This is a human talk. A travelling caddie's life is a brave one. It takes some doing to emerge from cheap lodgings looking smart, especially when you have had to wash your own collars and sit on them to iron them.
Whether your main interest is golf or human nature, you will find everything here. You will hear about golfers who, going round the course, take their caddie into their confidence, discuss the clubs they shall use and the shots they shall play, and show a human interest in the caddie himself. And you will hear about those who do nothing of the kind. You will hear something about tips and about those who give them. And it must not be forgotten that tips constitute a caddie's salary.
The biggest tip Mr. Clarke ever got was ' twenty-five bob ', but the first' day he carried Harry Vardon 's clubs it would have cost five bob to speak to him ! He gives seven rules for caddies in this talk, and they are worth hearing.
of the Fortieth Season
Relayed from The Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co., Ltd.)
Weather Forecast
Second General News Bulletin J is
Tickets can be obtained from [address removed] ; and usual agents. Prices (including Entertainments Tax), 7S. 6d., 6s., 5s. (reserved), 3s. (unreserved), promenade (payment at doors only), 2s.
of Rydal Mere ', by Wordsworth, read by PATRICIA MACNABB