for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper followed by an interlude
' The Lord's Prayer and Our Times ' by Canon Roy McKay
3: ' Thy kingdom come '—one world
Regional Variations (5)
Morning Call: magazine
Wednesday Review
Today in Northern Ireland
Today in the North
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
A child of ten wanted to be a doctor, and as a young woman carried out her intention. Now she has been qualified for ten years: has it been worth it?
Kenneth Bowen (tenor)
Janet Price (piano)
Three Greek Songs. Lennox Berkeley
Epitaph of times (Sappho) Spring song (Antipeter) To Aster (Plato)
Two Welsh Songs.....Mansel Thomas
Y Bardd (The Poet) Gwyn ap Nudd
Five Chinese Lyrics...Arthur Oldham
Under the pondweed The herd boy's song Fishing
The pedlar of spells A gentle wind
Scenes from Acts 1 and 2 of his opera ' Rigoletto ' with Tito Gobbi in the title role and Maria Callas as Gilda on a gramophone records
There is a green hill far away (BBC
H.B. 92)
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 25, vv. 1-10
St. Mark 10, vv. 17-31
To Christ, the Prince of peace (BBC
H.B. 94)
Band of the Royal Artillery (Woolwich)
Conducted by Major S. V. Hays Director of Music
Albert Ferber (piano)
An anthology of famous wireless talks of the past
Chosen and introduced by Richard Church
Second of three programmes Produced by Harold Rogers
Recorded broadcast of January 21
Traditional music and song from a square dance party at Malmesbury in Wiltshire
Songs from Pat Shaw
Caller, Nibs Matthews
Music by the Jolly Waggoners Band
Led by Nan Fleming-Williams
Master of Ceremonies, Bernard Fishwick
Produced by Brian Patten
Regional Variations (6)
Farming and Fishing, News
Farming: as North
A Living from the Land
The Farmer: magazine introduced by Ralph Wightman
The Northern Farmer
Introduced by Roger Massey
Hornless Shorthorns: John Green slade visits E. A. Strouts of Benenden, Kent, and talks to him about the breeding of a naturally polled Dairy Shorthorn herd
Charollais Comment: John Hodges , Chief Consulting Officer of the Milk Marketing Board, discusses the nature of the recent importation and the experimental programme planned
Produced by John Greenslade
The first item is recorded
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A light-hearted look at the advertising world
Michael Medwin as Michael Lightfoot an account executive
Eleanor Summerneld as Maggie, a TV executive
Fenella Fielding as Janet
Secretary to Michael Lightfoot
Joan Sims as Mavis, a shorthand typist
Nicholas Phipps as Adrian Beales , copywriter
Warren Mitchell as most other characters
Script bv
Myles Rudge and Ronnie Wolfe Produced by JOHN SIMMONDS
Recorded broadcast of November 20, 1961. in the Light Programme
Joan Sims broadcast by permission of Andrew Broughton and David Corville
Four programmes in which
Donald Swann the musical half of At the Drop of a Hat sings and talks about himself and his music
2: Kastward Pilgrimage
Recorded broadcast of February 23
Overture: Ruslan and Ludmilla (Glinka)
Lamoureux Orchestra
Conducted by Igor Markevitch
Piano Concerto No. 1. in C major (Beethoven)
Claudio Arrau (piano)
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Alceo Galliera
Joyeuse Marche (Cliabrier)
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Herbert von Karajan on gramophone records
The Chameleon
A play for radio by JOAN O'CONNOR and CECILY FINN with Lydia Sherwood
Lois Stanton is an attractive widow, a woman who desires so intensely to please that she changes her personality to suit the taste of her admirers. But when you reject reality sometimes you find that it has escaped you for ever.
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Pianist. Viola Tunnard
Produced by BETTY DAVIES
Introduced by Father Wilfrid Purney with the choir of Westminster Cathedral
Director, Colin Mawby in music from Palm Sunday,
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, and Easter Day
Each year in the services of Holy Week and Easter, the Church leads us through the story of the sufferings and death and resurrection of our Lord.
Regional Variations (2)
Serenade for Three: the Albert Webb Trio
by Vera Colebrook
In the last of this series of five talks about a remarkable Victorian woman, Vera Colebrook describes how Ellen struggled to mend her marriage and train her intellect, and how, finally, she became reconciled to her husband and found self-expression in the book of which her family so strongly disapproved.
Regional Variations (2)
Pinky, the Pigeon ': series of stories by James Hewitt, read by Charles Witherspoon
Stories of famous composers
Mozart the Wonder Boy
The book by Opal Wheeler and Sybil Deucher adapted and read by Kathleen Garscadden 1: Karly Days in Salzburg and Munich
A story of adventure on the Isle of Skye told by two brothers
The' book by ALLAN CAMPBELL MACLEAN adapted in four parts by John Keir Cross
2: The Bed Hand
In F. R. BUCKLEY 'S time at sea he has experienced an armed hold-up in Marseilles, a torpedo attack, and a hurricane in the West Indies; but the voyage he liked least was one to New York, when, as he says, ' everything happened except something nice.'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (3)
Scottish Dance Music: BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
Signpost: Richard Hoggart on grammar schools
From London
Introduced by Derek Parker
Produced by Harold Rogers
Regional Variations (3)
Ulster Farm
That Reminds Me: Alderman E. G. Gooch, M.P., C.B.E., talks to Gerald Nethercot
played by Gyorgy Cziffra (piano)
Recorded from a public recital given at the Besancon Festival on January 29 and made available by courtesy of Radiodiffusion-Television Française.
A series of five-round contests'
LONDON v. S('OTLAND: Round 5
Denis Brogan , Cedric Cliffe
Lionel Hale Scotland:
Sir James Fergusson Jack House
Quiz-Master, Patrick Harvey
Regional Variations (3)
Football: as Welsh
Association Football; Wales v. Ireland: second half of the match at the Vetch Field, Swansea
See column 3
The last concert of the season of the Billingham Association of the Arts, from the Theatre of the Technical College
Part 1
ERNEST SHEPARD , now in his eighties, is well known for his drawings, particularly in Punch and in the children's books of A. A. Milne. With the sharply observant eye of an artist, he looks back to the London scenes of his childhood.
Part 2
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Four Lenten talks by the Rev. Daniel Jenkins
4: My Neighbour and My Budget
' Christians should realise how hard it is to .be honest where our pockets are concerned.' In his last Lenten talk, the Minister of the King's Weigh House Congregational Church, London, helps us to confront this problem.
Regional Variations (2)
Prayers. Interlude
The Proving Flight by David Beaty abridged by Edward Blishen read by Richard Hurndall Eighth of fifteen instalments
played by the Virtuoso String Trio
Neville Marriner (violin) Stephen Shingles (viola) Francesco Gabarro (cello)