BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
(Leader, William McInulty)
Conductor, David Curry
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Tipica Orchestra'
Pictures of the Passion
2—' A Sowing '
Bible reading from St. John 12 with comment by the Rev. R. T. Brooks
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Marches and waltzes on gramophone records
Estelle Johnson (mezzo-soprano)
Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Pauline Maze (piano)
My song is love unknown (S.P. 127, omitting vv. 2, 4, and 6: Tune, Psalm 47)
Interlude: The Story of Christ's
Passion ' —
Prayers; the Prayer of St. Richard; the Lord's Prayer
There is a green hill (S.P. 131; A. and M. 332. omitting v. 4: C.H.
105, omitting v. 4: Tune, Horsley)
by Alan Jarvis
The speaker recently left a job in film production to work in an East End settlement. In his talk he describes the feeling of the change, and the relationships, sometimes surprising, between his old and his new work.
Praise to the Lord (BBC Hymn Book
New Every Morning, page 68
Canticle 6, part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) Romans 6, vv. 12-23
Son of God, eternal Saviour (BBC
Hymn Book 377)
Troise and his Banjoliers
Minuet in D (K. 355) (Mozart) Bagatelle in C (Beethoven) Waltz in B minor (Chopin) Papillons (Schumann) on gramophone records
visits the miners of Murton Colliery, County Durham
Musical illustrations by Violet Carson
Presented by Barney Colehan
from a canteen in Egham, Surrey with Betty Driver
Percy Edwards
Mooney and King
The Five Smith Brothers
James Moody at the piano Harold Smart at the organ Presented by John Ellison
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Charles Shadwell and his String Orchestra
Peter Haysom and Alan Wayne
(two pianos)
(Continued in next column)
Talk by Monsignor Cuthbert Collingwood
Administrator of Westminster Cathedral with music recorded by the Cathedral Choir directed by George Malcolm
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Denis Dowling (baritone) (first performance)
Anthony Scott, who is an organist and teacher as well as a composer, was born in 1911; he studied at the Royal College of Music with Herbert Howells and later with Gerald Finzi. His works include a Fantasia for string orchestra, which was broadcast some years ago, a S nfonietta for strings, several organ pieces, and a Violin Concerto, which was given recently at a concert of the Society for the Promotion of New Music. His Introduction and Fugue for orchestra was completed in 1946. Kurt Koppel was born in Berlin in 1916, but has lived in this country for the past sixteen years and is now of British nationality. He studied with William Alwyn at the Royal Academy of Music and has to his credit a considerable number of works, three of which have been broadcast: a Symphony for Strings, a Piano Concerto, and ' Summer Music.' The Five Songs for baritone and strings, written in 1947, are settings of lyrics by a Welsh poet, Leslie Norris, which express the thoughts, hopes, wishes, and fears of a young man. Their titles are: ' The Day,' ' The Individual,' 'Divided Vision,' ' The Mind,' and * The Arrow of Truth.'
Deryck Cooke
Regional Variations (2)
Awr y Plant: sgwrs: drama, , S.O.S.! Galw Gari Tryfan.'
(Request Week)
' Mission for Oliver '.
A shortened version of the play by David Scott Daniell
Other parts played by Chris Gittins and Gilbert Gordon with Winifred Irvin (piccolo)
Produced by Peggy Bacon
Today's play tells of the adventures of a young drummer-boy of 1805 who has a secret letter to deliver in S,cily. With his cousin and friend Polly, daughter of Sergeant Trott of th; 111th Foot, Oliver falls into the hands of the Zucconi bandits and need" all his courage and ingenuity to save his Regiment from a dreadful fate.
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is actor Richard Hearne. Show more
Regional Variations (6)
Hansom Days.
As North
' Wot Cheor. Geordie!
The Hidden Motive serial play. 2-' Dr. Ostereich.'
Points of Control: 3—Railways.
Broadcasts from famous music-halls and theatres
A visit to
The Empire Theatre, Chatham
Anne Shelton
Jack Watson
The Skyliners
Introduced by Brian Johnston
From the theatre
Regional Variations (7)
Gymdeithas Corawl Pontardulais; Trevor Anthony (bas); Anthony Lewis (organ).
Scottish Bandstand.
The Faith in the West: religious magazine programme.
This is the Law: Sundafys.
The Ulster Town of Tomorrow: discussion.
Francis Jackson (organ). From York Minster.
O.M., C.H., M.P.
Speech delivered to the Philadelphia Fellowship
Yesterday Mr. Attlee flew to the United States to attend the ' Free World Speaks ' Dinner of the Philadelphia Fellowship Commission, where, speaking as a private citizen, he addressed the members of the Commission on world peace.
The Philadelphia Fellowship Commission is primarily concerned with improving inter-racial relations, and includes representatives of church, civic, and educational organisations.
Regional Variations (4)
Economics in the Nursery
As West.
' Across the Severn ': story of many ways in which men have answered the challenge of this natural barrier between South Wales and Southern England.
Regional Variations (7)
Address by Mr. Attlee.
Address by Mr. Attlee.
Address by Mr. Attlee.
Address by Mr. Attlee.
Address by Mr. Attlee.
Address by Mr. Attlee.
The issues on which the L.C.C. elections on Thursday are being fought and the place of local government in the Metropolitan area are discussed by John Connell, Mrs. Douglas Jay, Peter Self, Henry Snell
Chairman: Commander Stephen King-Hall
Regional Variations (2)
The Fairy Faith. 4-Changplings, abductions, and fairy music.
Those Crazy People
Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe
Michael Bentine , Spike Milligan with the Ray Ellington Quartet
Max Geldray
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script written by Spike Milligan and Larry Stephens and edited by Jimmy Grafton
Produced by Dennis Main Wilson
Regional Variations (2)
A series of four talks
3-The Christian Faith and Liberal Values
by Canon Charles Raven
Canon Raven takes up some of the points made last week by Sir William Hamilton Fyfe about the reasons why liberal values teem to be losing their hold over the people of our generation. He examines these reasons and shows that they are iargely out of date, indeed that a return to Christian standards is beginning. This should involve acceptance of the Christian faith and the renewal of energy and unity in the Christian Church. Canon Raven is himself a liberal theologian and has made notable contributions to the understanding of the relation between science and religion. He brings this wide knowledge to bear on the intricate problem of the relation between Christian and liberal values.
Regional Variations (2)
Book review.
Great Britain v. Norway
Black's thirteenth move (Norway)
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