Reginald Dixon at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
with his Orchestra
Pictures of the Passion
5—' A Ransom '
Bible reading from St. Mark 10 with comment by the Rev. R. T. Brooks
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Overtures and Entr'actes played by Guy Daines and his Orchestra
Mary Rowland
(songs with Celtic harp)
Paul Cropper (viola)
Nancy Harris (accompanist)
Talk by Peregrine Worsthorne
The speaker recently spent several weeks as a patient in a London hospital and found his own reactions to this experience very different from what he had expected. He tells how he emerged from it with a new attitude to hospital life.
Records of some of Beethoven's instrumental music and two of his songs
Where high the heavenly temple stands (BBC Hymn Book 498)
New Every Morning, page 80 Psalm 11 (Broadcast Psalter) Romans 8, vv. 12-25
0 for a closer walk with God (BBC
Hymn Book 333)
Frank Baron and his Sextet
Directed by David Wolfsthal with Olive Groves (soprano)
TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The Moderns. 9—' Representational and Abstract Painting.' by Hervey Adams. (BBC recording)
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum: discussion on fertilisers; talk by Ralph Wightman.
and the Dance Orchestra with Ray Burns and Martin Moreno in a programme of Latin-American music
from a canteen in South-East London
with Louise Traill, Harry Locke, Mervyn Saunders, Suzette Tarri
James Moody at the piano
Harold Smart at the organ
Presented by John Ellison
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
BBC West of England Light Orchestra.
A record programme of musical reminiscences in which you are invited to share by sending us personal memories and the tunes that bring them back to you
This week Gerald Moore contributes some of his musical memories
Jane Russell and Victor Mature in ' The Las Vegas Story with Vincent Price
and Hoagy Carmichael
An adaptation from the sound-track of the new RKO Radio picture
Adapted by Gordon Gow
Produced by Thurstan Holland
Regional Variations (2)
Town Forum welcomes Visitors from Italy.
Conducted by Basil Wright
Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace Books; C. V . Wedgwood
Radio: Tom Hopkinson
Art. Basil Taylor
Films: C. A. Lejeune
(Leader, John Sharpe )
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour: shortened version of the play, ' Peril in Lake-land.'
As North
(Request Week)
''The Luck of Quong'by William Harris
Adapted from the serial play broadcast in January
Production by May Jenkin
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed bv a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport.
News, sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
Ring Up the Curtain
A record from a popular opera
On Such a Night
An account of a notable occasion
This Swept the Town
A record from a formerly popular opera
One Night at the Opera
A reminiscence by a distinguished personality
Something Old, Something New
A historic record and a newly issued record
Why Do You Like Opera?
An interview with an opera-goer and Something Unexpected
Regional Variations (4)
Hwyrol Weddi.
Paul Rubens
Light Orchestra
The Singers:
Sylvia Robin and Donald Scott
Carole Carr , Dick James
At the piano, Kay Cavendish
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Robert Busby
Producer. Jimmy Grant
Regional Variations (2)
Progress Report: discussion on road safety.
A reminiscence by R. A. Close
The barrier was a scaffolding pole barring the road that ran west from Shanghai at the point where it crosses the Hangchow railway line. The year was 1937.
by Alistair Cooke
with Benny Lee , Pearl Can-
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Announced by Ronald Fletcher
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (3)
Scientists Talking: The Lunar Society of the Air discusses ' The Future of Knowledge.'
Geoffrey Tristram (organ); Lillian Warmington (cello). From Christchurch Priory.
Shura Cherkassky (piano)
Great Britain v. Norway
White's fifteenth move (Great Britain)
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