What's New ?
Benny Green reviews some recent jazz records
Introduced by David Edwards
News Comment: by Bernard Canter
Medieval Mystery as a Vehicle of Prayer: a talk by Maurice Hussey ,. editor of the Chester Mystery Cycle
A Contemporary Setting of The Passion: Raymond Warren , of the Department of Music. Queen's University. Belfast, talks about his setting of passages selected from the Gospels in J. B. Phillips 's translation
The last item is recorded
A series of nine weekly programmes
9: Reunion-a discussion between the Rev. R. C. Jasper
Lecturer in Liturgical Theology, King's College, London the Rev. T. M. Torrance
Professor of Christian Dogmatics. Edinburgh University the Very Rev. Henry St. John, O.P.
Prior Provincial, Order of Preachers and in the chair the Rt. Rev. Mervyn Stockwood Bishop of Southwark
What is the relevance of Reformation issues today? How far does the present Oecumenical movement imply a revision of post-Reformation ideals? In this final programme, Anglican, Roman Catholic, and Presbyterian churchmen discuss their answer to the challenge of Reunion.
See facing page
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report