Opening Music:
Bach's Fugue in G minor
There is a green hill (P.H. 64. C.H.
105. both omitting v. 4; D.S. 59; S.P. 131: Tune, Horsley-S.P. 131)
Interlude: The Meaning of Easter
Prayers: the Prayer of St. Ignatius
Loyola; the Lord's Prayer
Alleluya, sing to Jesus (C.H. 138. omitting v. 3; S.P. 260; BBC Supplement 1: Tune. Hyfrydol— S.P. 260)
Closing Music: Bach's Suite: The
Wise Virgins (Sixth movement)
Previously broadcast last Friday in the Home Service
England v. Austria
Commentary on the match by Alan Clarke and Raymond Glendenning with summaries by John Camkin From the Empire Stadium, Wembley
British pianist, Joe Saye on a flying visit from America discusses the New York jazz scene with Steve Race and plays some of his favourite jazz with Peter Ind (bass) and Maurice Placquet (drums) Produced by Terry Henebery
Introduced by David Edwards
News Comment: by Edward Rogers In All Subjection? The Bishop of Gothenburg, Sweden, discusses with Mrs. K. Baxter , of the Church of England's Central Advisory Council of Training for the Ministry, the proper position of women in the Church. The Bishop has been a prominent opponent of the recent ordination of women to the priesthood in Sweden
The last item is recorded
A series of nine weekly programmes
8: The Divisions Harden by C. V. Wedgwood
Was the question of the Reformation really settled by 1603 when Queen Elizabeth died? Contemporaries did not think so: in Europe, the bitterest of the religious wars broke out in 1618, a hundred years after Luther. and lasted a full generation. with readings by Gary Watson
Next Wednesday at 7.20 p.m.: Reformation and Reunion, a discussion between representatives of the churches
A new historical study of the Reformation by G. R. Elton , specially written to accompany these programmes, is published by the BBC with many illustrations, price 5s. It may be obtained from newsagents and booksellers, or direct by sending a crossed postal order to BBC Publications [address removed]
See facing page