for farmers
Speaker, Canon Wilfrid Garlick
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
The Rev. R. Leonard Small ,
O.B.E., D.D. draws a sound picture of the Passion
1: The clink of coins
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Recordings from the past and the present PAST HISTORIC
Hilaire Belloc once described some imaginary conversations with famous figures in his ' Short Talks with the Dead.' With the help of the BBC Sound Archives, GWYN THOMAS develops this idea and reflects upon the recorded views of JAMES STEPHENS
Produced by Denys Gueroult
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh hymn-singing by the united churches of Swansea
Antony Hopkins
When They Crucified My Lord? Six talks for the mornings of Holy Week by Canon Matthew McNamey
Priest in Charge of St. Benedict's Roman Catholic Church Mirehouse, Whitehaven
1: Yes, I was involved
We have been given a share in Christ (Hebrews 3, v. 19)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus (BBC
H.B. 301)
Psalm 25 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 26, vv. 47-56
My God, I love thee (BBC H.B. 276)
News Summary at 10.30
Fred Alexander and his Players
The Break Through
Written by MARY-JEAN HASLER starring
Brenda Bruce with Jill Raymond
Sandra arrived at the children's home in Dulwich under the care of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman with the reputation of being ' an absolutely impossible child.' When, shortly after her arrival, she attemped to strangle one of the other children, the Chapmans knew they were facing a human problem needing all their intuition and compassion.
Produced by ALAN BURGESS
Recorded broadcast of November 21, 1961, in the Light Programme
BBC Scottish Orchestra Leader, Peter Gibbs
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is holiday camp owner Billy Butlin. Show more
A weekly series
3:About the World ofGrown-Ups
Harold Williamson talks with young boys and girls and persuades them to disclose their views
Produced by Michael Barton
Recorded broadcast of September 23, 1961, in the North of England Home Service
Harrogate College
Conductor,Gladys Williams
Old Clee Primary School, Grimsby
Conductor, Doris M. Benner
Dearnside Girls Secondary School, Rotherham
Conductor, Barbara Senior
A montage of melody on records
Arranged and introduced by Alan Dell
The Young May Moon
A play for radio by DAVID Scott DANIELL with Barbara Leigh-Hunt
Ronald Baddiley
Hedley Goodall
Produced by BRANDON ACTON-BOND Saturday's recorded broadcast
Miss Griffin's Academy: Guy Williams remembers a school with a difference
Loneliness: The fourth talk by the Very Rev. H. C. L. Heywood
Listeners' Letters: A selection from the postbag
Period Piece: A reading from Gwen Raverat's book by Peggy Butt
Introduced by John Dunn
Second and last items are recorded
Six plays by E. LUCIA TURNBULL
2: The Little Silver Man
A traditional story from Alsace
In the days when great stores of gold and silver lay hidden in the hills, there stood two mountains called Big-peak and Little-peak which were known to be rich in treasure. But this was not easy to get at because an elfin spirit guarded the precious metal there.
Produced by GRAHAM GAULD
Regional Variations (2)
Identify Discs: a puzzle game with gramophone records
A personal selection of jazz records
Presented by Michael Bowen
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Round-up of events
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (4)
In the Country: magazine
News in Welsh
Scottish Dance Music: Jim Crawford's Scottish Dance Band
FRED STREETER and JOSEPH NAISH look back, in conversation, to the days when the stately homes of South-East England first knew them as gardener and gamekeeper.
Arranged by Patrick Harvey
A weekly review of what the papers in South-East England are saying
Sixth Year
A weekly contest between amateur choirs from all over the United Kingdom The third of twelve programmes in the national competition
Introduced by JOHN HOBDAY with a summary of the adjudicators' comments from MAURICE JACOBSON
Wyggeston Girls' School Choir Conductor, Harry Shaw
City of London School for Girls Conductor, Jarrah Wickham
Ormiston Choir
Conductor, William Boyd Hawarden Singers
Conductor, Emlyn Roberts
Produced by John Fawcett Wilson Choirs taking part are recorded
Regional Variations (3)
BBC Scottish Orchestra. conducted by Harry Newstone: Mozart; Robin Orr; Tchaikovsky
From Within: an impression of six Welsh communities
A selection of recorded wit, music, and humour
Introduced by Basil Boothroyd of Punch including
Alan Melville and Charles Zwar ' Melvillainy ' *
Vivienne Chatterton
' Mixed with Elderberries '
Leon (ioossens
John Forrest
1 Don't Do It Yourself '
Geoffrey Wincott , Betty Hardy Alee Finter , Godfrey Kenton and Owen Berry : The Critics'
Dave Brubeek
Peter Bull
' Something in the Air
Professor Stanley Vnwin with 'The Young in Part' (Question time at a Progressive School)
Charlotte Mitchell ' Ban the Puff '
Musical interludes on records chosen by Robert Irwin Edited and produced by JOHN BRIDGES
Miriam Karlin in I'm talking about
Jerusalem by ARNOLD WESKER
The action takes place between 1946 and 1959 at Ada and Dave Simmonds' house in Norfolk.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Three talks for Holy Week by the Rev. C. F. D. Moule Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge 1: Man on trial
Regional Variations (2)
Prayers. Interlude
The Proving Flight by David Beaty abridged by Edward Blishen read by Richard Hurndall Eleventh of fifteen instalments
Variations on a theme of Beethoven, Op. 35 played by Kurt Bauer and Heidi Bung (two pianos) on a gramophone record