A reading taken from ' St. John's Gospel '
An exposition by Walter Luthi translated by Kurt Schoenenberger Reader, John Wood
London Studio Players
Conducted by Leighton Lucas
Alan Civil (horn)
Edward Rubach (piano)
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
How Does It Feel?: Diana Graves asks painter Sidney Nolan
Piped Music: Edwina Coven follows the tune
Advice to Someone's Daughter: from Freddy Bloom
Some twentieth-century women: Freda Gwilliam , O.B.E.
Sermons for Lent
5: The Warfare of the Spirit for Humanity
Preacher, the Rev. James Matheson
From Mayfield and Fountainhall Parish Church, Edinburgh
Opening devotions led by the Parish Minister, the Rev. W. J. G. McDonaId
Rejoice, the Lord is King (C.H. 135:
Tune, Darwall)
Call to Prayer; Prayers Scripture Lesson
Come. let us to the Lord our God
(C.H. 400: Tune, Kilmarnock)
Judge eternal, thronpd in splendour
(C.H. 636: Tune, Picardy)
Prayers and the Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (C.H. 388: Tune,
Organist. Frederick D. Davidson
Regional Variations (2)
Ar Fore Sul: songs and recordings
A request programme of gramophone records
Overture: Anacreon (Cherubini)
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Wilhelm Furtwangler
Harp Concerto in C major
Nicanor Zabaleta (harp) with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Ernst Marzendorfer
Petite Suite (Debussy, orch. Biisser)
Suisse Romande Orchestra
Conducted by Ernest Ansermet
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced this week by John Lade
Schoenberg's Erwartung by Robert Henderson
Schubert and the String Quartet by Geoffrey Bush
Delius's A Village Romeo and Juliet by Deryck Cooke
Chairman, T. C. Worsley
Theatre: Richard Findlater
Broadcasting: A. Alvarez
Book: J. W. Lambert
Art: Bryan Robertson
Film: Edgar Anstey
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
Birds and Beasts: research in field biology
100th Edition
James Fisher presents excerpts from his favourite programmes broadcast during the last eleven years
Produced by Elizabeth Adair
Regional Variations (2)
To Scotland from New Zealand: letter from Robin Cock-burn
Information and advice on legal, social, and financial problems
Stamp Duties:
Rupert Townshend-Rose
Executors, getting probate: Pamela Deedes
Employment: Aubrey Diamond
House Purchase: Edward Leader
Introduced by Marjory Todd
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
Introduced by Franklin Engelmann
Members of the Conway and District Horticultural Society, North Wales put their problems to
Fred Loads , Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Arranged by Ellis Widdup
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Izier Solomon
Part 1 first performance in this countryanother performance: Monday
by Keith Parry
' I had always admired Mrs. Wain-wright's window box-there was something rich and rare about the profusion of her foliage and through the billowing lace that fringed her ground-floor window you could see more plants inside ...'
: first broadcast in 'Two of a Kind ' on January 23
Part 2
Symphony No. 1, in C minor.Brahms
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh news survey
A gallery of portraits in close-up
Arnold Wesker , playwright
The writer talks of his life, work, and ambitions with Jeremy Sandford
Benjamin Britten (piano) A programme of folk songs on gramophone records
A play in three parts written by MAIDA STANIER
2: Held as Hostage
Other parts played by members of the cast
by HENRY WILLIAMSON adapted for broadcasting by Michael Hardwick read by Paul Rogers
Second of thirteen instalments
Regional Variations (2)
Puzzle story: a new version of a Bible story-2
Five talks by the Rev. Vernon Mitchell
2: The Traveller by Ship
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
followed bv
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist, Johanna Peters
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
Service from the annual conference of the Scottish Baptist Men's Movement, from the Baptist Church. St. Andrews: address by the Rev. H. Howard Williams
What and Why? The Very Rev. Austin Fulton. Ph.D., answers questions about faith and witness
Christians think about their faith and its living expression IN SEARCH OF THE TRUTH
What is Salvation?
Questions put by boys of Manchester Grammar School are answered by The Dean of Liverpool Fr. George Songhurst Ronald Lloyd
Chairman, Alan Gibson
Produced by Peter Hamilton
From Manchester Grammar School
Comments and criticisms about this programme should be sent to Alan Gibson , c/o Christian Outlook, BBC, Plymouth. A selection of these letters will be broadcast in ' Christian Outlook ' on April 18 in Network Three.
Regional Variations (3)
Patients' requests played by Dudley Savage, theatre organ
Appeal: Trefoil Residential School for Physically Handicapped Children, by Andrew Robertson
Appeal on behalf of the Essex Association for the Welfare of the Physically Handicapped
Registered as a Charity in accordance with the National Assistance Act, 1948 by Trevor Bailey
Gifts (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be personally acknowledged and should be addressed to Trevor Bailey , [address removed]
The Association seeks to help those with a permanent disability to overcome the effects of their handicap. It sponsors clubs, provides a marketing scheme for homebound craftworkers, and organises annual summer holidays for more than 700 handicapped people.
by ANTHONY TROLLOPE adapted for radio in thirteen episodes by H. Oldneld Box Episode 2
Dr. Thorne's ne'er-do-well brother, Henry, has met his death at the hands of Roger Scatcherd , whose beautiful sister Henry had seduced, and who, in consequence was to bear a child. Dr. Thorne has adopted the child to enable the mother to marry another man.
Now, nineteen years later, Dr.
Thorne is established in practice in the village of Greshamsbury; and no one suspects that Mary Thorne is other than his legitimate niece. The child has been educated at the Manor House with the daughters of Dr. Thorne's great friend, Mr. Gresham, the squire.
Regional Variations (4)
Bradford Delius Centenary Festival: Marjorie Thomas, contralto; Gerald English, tenor; Raymond Cohen, violin; Gerald Moore, piano: Allegri String Quartet. From the Grammar School
Delius Festival: as North
Awr Pawb: music, poetry, and literature: listeners' requests
The Prometheus Ensemble Roger Lord (oboe)
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Gwydion Brooke (bassoon) Alan Civil (horn)
Max Salpeter (violin) Kenneth Essex (viola) Raymond Clark (cello)
Stuart Knussen (double-bass )
Regional Variations (2)
' The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse ': the fable retold
How do world-class athletes react to triumph and disaster, and how different are their attitudes from those of the general public?
Roger Bannister , Herb Elliott
Angela Mortimer
Stirling Moss , Frank Tyson have discussed this with Christopher Brasher who presents their views Production by JOHN TusA
Making Peace by the Blood of his Cross
Psalm 51, vv. 1-17 (Book of Common
Psalm 16 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 12, vv. 20-33
0 sacred head (BBC H.B. 86) Psalm 45. v. 5
Hazel Schmid (soprano)
Nicholas Danby (organ)
From the French Church, Leicester Square, London