Morris Motors Band
Conductor, G. V. Brooks
Forecast for land areas
Directed by Alec Firman
' Encountering Christ'
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. James S. Stewart, D.D.
3-In Danger
' Beginning to sink '
(St. Matthew 14, v. 30)
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
The Casino Orchestra
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
by C. Lisle Watson
' Virtue is of so little regard in these coster monger times ' said Shakespeare, but according to C. Lisle Watson the true coster is almost extinct. In conversation with Patricia Brent he tells some of the lore he has gathered in a life working among costers.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. Ancient Egypt. Rensi and the Peasant's Donkey (c. 2150 B.C.).
Script by Phillis Drayson.
God of grace and God of glory (BBC
H.B. 391)
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 119, part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) 1 Peter 3, vv. 13-22
To thee our God we fly (BBC H.B.
Phil Tate and his Orchestra
A new series of inter-regional contests
4-Wales v. Scotland
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
playing some of the latest gramophone records
by Elizabeth Dawson
Other parts played by Beatrice Kane , Bryan Kendrick Richard Mayes , Norman Mitchell and Greta Wood
The action takes place on a small island in the Aegean Sea
Production by Vivian A. Daniels
from Leeds Parish Church
Sentence; Confession; Absolution and the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalm 78. vv. 1-40
First Lesson: Deuteronomy 30 Magnificat (Dyson in D)
Second Lesson: Acts 17, vv. 16 to end Nunc dimittis (Dyson in D) Creed; Responses; Collects
Anthem: 0 give thanks (S. S. Wesley) Prayers and Blessing
Precentor, Trevor Bone
Organist and Choirmaster,
Donald Hunt
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally and a meeting-place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Accidents in the Home. A doctor discusses one of the most dangerous causes of these all too frequent accidents
/ Only Want ... Grace Stuart learns a lesson about tyranny from her dog
Presented by Richard Baker
For Older Children
' Counterspy '
A new radio serial by John Darran featuring security officers
Greg Vaughan and ' Rocky ' Mountain in their latest assignment
' The Zolda Case '
2—' Shot in the Dark '
Production by Lorraine Davies 5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Ronald Falconer
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of programmes about mental health
' To cure sometimes,
To relieve often,
To comfort always
—Edward L. Trudeau
5-Body, Mind, and Spirit
The inseparable trilogy which makes up human beings
At least a third of the patients who call on doctors seeking treatment for a physical ailment are in fact suffering from something that is nervous in origin. The programme is concerned with the nature of the interaction of body on mind, and of mind on body.
Narrator, James McKechnie
Script by J. S. Campbell
Questions are invited from listeners. A panel of specialists will deal with them in the final broadcast on Tuesday, June 4. Please write to: ' Mental Health,' Broadcasting House, Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, W.2.
Part 1
late weather forecast for land areas