Melingriffith Works Band
Conductor, T. J. Powell ,
Forecast for land areas
and his Rococo Orchestra
New thoughts on old stories by the Rev. L. R. Kingsbury
'A Showdown with the Army'
(Joshua 8)
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
by Florence Stamp
Fifty years ago some small children were having a geography lesson, and the teacher talked of the splendour of the Victoria Falls. One child's imagination was captured by this account of the Falls and she dreamed one day of seeing them.
After fifty years of hard work and often unemployment, Florence Stamp realised that dream
stories from WORLD HISTORY. Ancient Egypt. How the Great Pyramid was built (c. 2600 B.C.). Script by Phyllis Drayson -
Come.gracious Spirit (BBC H.B.150) New Every Morning, page 44 Psalm 89 (Broadcast Psalter) James 5. vv. 12-20
0 King enthroned on high (BBC H.B.
Andy Currie and his Dance Orchestra
3-West v. North
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
LET'S JOIN IN. 'Joe is Lost ' by Diana Ross : a story (with an unexpected ending) about an adopted kitten
2.20 ADVENTUTUREIN music. The beginningsof jazz: illustrated talk by Rex Harris
2.40 HISTORY n. Florence Nightingale. Script by Jo Manton
A macabre comedy by David Campton
Produced by Frederick Bradnum
Commentary on the Handicap Sweepstakes by Peter O'Sullevan at the Grandstand
From the Roodee, Chester
by Beatrice Gilbert
Produced by David H. Godfrey
from Leeds Parish Church
Sentence; Confession; Absolution: the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalms 41, 42, and 43 First Lesson; Deuteronomy 11, vv.
Magnificat (Stanford in G)
Second Lesson: Acts 11. vv. 1-18 Nunc dimittis (Stanford in G) Creed; Responses; Collects
Anthem: Hail, gladdening Light
(Charles Wood)
Prayers and Blessing
Precentor, Trevor Bone
Organist and Choirmaster,
Donald Hunt
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting-place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Looking After Your Feet: John Hall. President of the Society of Chiropodists. gives some practical advice
Feeding the Creative Spirit: Margaret Spencer Smith thinks this can be done, no matter how busy you are
Presented by Richard Baker
For Older Children
'Counterspy' *
A new radio serial by John Darran featuring security officers
Greg Vaughan and ' Rocky ' Mountain in their latest assignment
' The Zoida Case '
1—' Priority Call '
Other parts played by Michael Browne andBernard O'Brien
Production by Lorraine Davies
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Ronald Falconer
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of six programmes about mental health
* To cure sometimes,
To relieve often,
To comfort always.'
-Edward L. Trudeau
4-The Energies of Men
Nearly one-third of all absences from work due to illness are caused by neurotic illness. Forty out of every hundred Army discharges are on grounds of mental or nervous illness.
This programme is concerned with people at work, and what can go wrong.
Narrator, James McKechnie
Script by J. S. Campbell
Questions are invited from listeners. Please write, to ' Mental Health,' Broadcasting House, Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, W.2. A panel of specialists will give their answers at the microphone on Tuesday, June 4.
on behalf of the Labour Party
Morgan Phillips
General Secretary of the Labour Party
by Lance Dossor
followed by late weather forecast for land areas