The Billy Mayerl
Rhythm Ensemble
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, David Curry
New thoughts on old stories by the Rev. L. R. Kingsbury
'Tens and Twenties '
(Genesis 18, vv. 16-32)
Forecast for land areas
Nina Walker (piano)
Patricia Grimshaw
Frederick Stone (piano)
Interval Music
Now thank we all our God (S.P. 350;
A. and M. 379; C.H. 29; P. and H. 25; Tune, Nun danket)
Interlude: 'The Resurrection of Jesus'
Prayers; the Prayer of Thanksgiving; the Lord's Prayer
The strife is o'er (S.P. 147; A. and M. 135; C.H. 122. omitting v. 4; P. and H. 73: Tune. Victory)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
from a factory in Watford, Herts with Reggie Dennis , Martin Lukins
Robert Moreton , The Stargazers
James Moody (piano) Bert Weedon (guitar) Max Abrams (drums)
Presented by Bill Gates
Forecast for land areas, followed bv a detailed forecast for the South-East region
STORIES AND RHYMES. Peppercorn a Yugoslav folk-tale, retold for broadcasting by Nada Prodanovic
2.20 POETS AND POETRY. John Keats : shorter poems. Robert Gittings talks about ' To my brother George.' ' Megr Merrilies.' and ' La Belle Dame sans Merci.'
2.45 NATURE STUDY. Creatures that Live in Ponds - 1. Script by F. R. Elwell.
R. H. Westwater , a painter, finds, with gramophone records, some common ground between music and painting
This week his programme includes music byDebussy , Chabrier , and Bax
by Beatrice Curtis Brown
Born in England of American parents who had settled here, Miss Curtis Brown shows how the difference in customs between middle-class families of the two countries has given her a lifelong feeling of ' being different.'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
followed by late weather forecast for land areas