Strings in Rhythm
Directed by Henry Croudson
for land areas
Conductor, David Curry
'Digging for Victory'
The Bishop of Grantham reads and comments on Exodus 3, vv. 1-4
for land areas
Nona Liddell (violin)
Daphne Ibbott (piano)
Interval music
10.0 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. A programme in simple French, in which listeners are invited to take an active part. Script by Jean-Jacques Oberlin.
Scène: . Le Grand Nettoyage ' : Madame Cabirol , with the aid of her daughter Mireille and her charlady, sets out to spring-clean the Doctor's consulting room. Mireille's enthusiasm leads to an unfortunate accident.
Jack Nathan and his Band
Chappie D'Amato introduces some of the current records
from the canteen of a constructional engineering factory in Norwich with Cy Grant , Bernard Spear
Cherry Lind , Avril Angers
Harry Engleman (piano)
Vic Mortiboys (bass) Bob Mansell (drums)
Introduced by Philip Garston-Jones
Produced by James Pestridge
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A spontaneous discussion by A. G. Street , Lewis Hastings
Elizabeth Pakenham
Jeremy Thorpe
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
From Brixham, Devon
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' Reynard the Fox': the traditional tale retold for broadcasting as a three-part serial by Julia Goodey. Part 1
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH II. Scenes from ' Twelfth Night' by William Shake speare. An arrangement for broadcasting by John Allen. Part 3
(Gwen Cherrell is appearing in The Rivals' at the Saville Theatre, London)
2.45 NATURE STUDY. The Cockchafer, by J. D. Carthy , Ph.D.
Conducted by Norman Fisher
Book: Elspeth Huxley Art: Stephen Bone
Film: Catherine de la Roche
Theatre: J. W. Lambert
Radio: Colin MacInnes
The story of his life told from his own writings
7-Years and Honours
Extracts selected and arranged by Ormerod Greenwood with linking commentary spoken by Rex Palmer
Reader, John Glen
(The recorded broadcast of February 12 in the Light Programme)
by Ursula Graham Bower
During the war Ursula Graham Bower commanded a force of tribal guerrillas in the Naga country on the Burmese border. She describes an incident that occurred when she and a strong patrol set out to round up survivors from a Japanese aircraft near Khangnam
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Introducing Barbara Kelly with Annie Ross
Benny Lee , Franklyn Boyd
Group One
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Announcer, Ronald Fletcher
Script by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson
Produced by Pat Dixon
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
followed by late weather forecast for land areas