Clydebank Burgh Band
Conductor, John Hoggans
for land areas
and his Players
' Digging for Victory '
The Bishop of Grantham reads and comments on Isaiah 1
for land areas
A midweek bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
by Ivor Powell
At the beginning of the century Ivor Powell was a boy at St. Michael's College, near Tenbury Wells. In those days, he recalls, it was a bulwark of Victorianism in a changing world.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. The escape of Louis Napoleon from Ham Castle (1846). Script by Rhoda Power.
Come. let us to the Lord our God
(BBC H.B. 487)
New Every Morning, page 72 Canticle 3 (Broadcast Psalter) Galatians 4. vv. 1-7
Lord of all (BBC H.B. 294)
- Harry Leader and his Band
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
playing selections from his Record Album, and chatting to a famous record-maker from the world of sport
Lunchtime scoreboard
LET'S JOIN IN. 'Kitoto': a story of an African boy by Lilian Daykin
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Voices-1: first of two illustrated talks by William Appleby.
2.40 HISTORY ii. A Japanese Reformer: Kagawa. Script by Jo Manton
A radio comedy by E. Eynon Evans
Production by John Griffiths
Karen Lund Christiansen (piano) on gramophone records
Aria (Porpora)
Russian Song (Stravinsky, arr.
Liebesteid; Liebesfreud (Kreisler)
St. Michael's Church, Cornhill
Introit: Almighty God, who hast me brought (Ford)
Versicles and Responses (
William Smith )
Psalms 12. 13. 14
First Lesson: Joshua 5, v. 13. to 6. v. 20
Magnificat (Darke in F)
Second Lesson: Acts 23, v. 12 to end Nunc dimittis (Darke in F) Creed
The Lord's Prayer (Robert Stones)
Versicles and Responses (
William Smith )
Anthem: 0 pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Howells)
Prayers and Grace
Organist, Harold Darke
For Older Listeners
' Merlin's Magic ' by Helen Clare adapted for broadcasting in four parts by Nan Macdonald
2-' North, South, East and West'
Their cousins:
Production by Herbert Smith
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey , M.C.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Evelyn Rothwell (oboe)
Halle Orchestra
(Leader. Laurance Turner )
Sir John Barbirolli
From the Free Trade Hall,
Manchester Alan Frank writes on page 4
Vaughan Williams -Symphony No 8
see foot of page
(piano) on gramophone records
followed by late weather forecast for land areas