Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, Frank Cantell
'Speak Up '
A talk by C. A. Joyce
Forecast for land areas
Food facts from port and mart to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Interval music
Let us with a gladsome mind (S.P.
12, omitting vv. 4, 5. 7: BBC Supplement 12; C.H. 11. omitting vv. 5. 6, 7; P. and H. 8. omitting vv. 4, 5, 7: Tune, Monkland)
Interlude: The Ascension
Prayers: the Prayer for Purity; the Lord's Prayer
The Head that once was crowned with thorns (omitting v. 5) (S.P. 175; A. and M. 301. C.H. 131; P. and H. 78: Tune, St. Magnus)
A programme for those interested in brushing up their German
6-At the Schmidts
Sonata in A, Op. 1 No. 3 Sonata in F. Op. 1 No. 12 played by Campoli (violin)
George Malcolm (harpsichord) on gramophone records
Frank Baron and his Sextet
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.20 current AFFAIRS i. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. How the singers tell the story: David Franklin gives the fourth of five illustrated talks on opera.
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Bill Pertwee , The Tanner Sisters
Harry Locke , Lester Ferguson
Presented by Bill Vforsley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
sings with Tony Osborne and his Orchestra on gramophone records
Lunchtime scoreboard
TRAVEL TALKS. Tokyo: a city on the Kwanto Plain. Script by Carmen Blacker.
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. Colour at Work.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH 1: ' Big Tiger and Christian ' by Fritz Muhlenweg. Translated by Isabel MacHugh. and Florence MacHugh. Adapted for broadcasting by Rhoda Power. 4—' The Stallion with the Light-Coloured Tail'
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Bronwen Jones (piano)
by Alexandre Dumas
2—' The Betrothal Feast'
Junket and Cream
A West-Country dish concocted by Patrick Shuldham-Shaw with tunes played by his
Jolly Ploughboys
Songs sung by Bernard Fishwick
Story told by Denis Raymond and the whole dish served up by Bernard Fishwick
followed by \5.15 The Young Pioneers '
A serial play in three parts by Edward Boyd
3—' The Rescue '
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
by the Rev. Norman Goodall D.D.
Dr. Goodall has recently been staying in theMiddle East. He was concerned while there about the sort of life lived in a prefabricated oil colony, and gives his impressions.
Highlights of the Show World
Produced by John Simmonds
A series of broadcasts examining the problems and developments, political, social, and economic, in the Middle East today
3-Syria and the Lebanon
Reporters : D. G. Bridson and Wynford Vaughan Thomas
Editor, D. G. Bridson
Narrator, Edward Ward
Producer, Joe Burroughs
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
A play for broadcasting by Eric Linklater with Leon Quartermaine
Cast in order of speaking: duced by Wilfrid Grantham
followed by late weather forecast for land areas