Strings in Rhythm
Directed by Henry Croudson
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, David Curry
' Weather permitting'
A talk by C. A. Joyce
Forecast for land areas
James Milligan (baritone)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Interval music
Breathe on me. breath of God (S.P.
458; A. and M. 671; C.H. 194; P. and H. 94: Tune, Carlisle)
Interlude: 'The Quakers of Eastern
Township '
Prayers; the Prayer for All Men; the Lord's Prayer
In Christ there is no east or west
(S.P. 637; BBC Supplement 1: Tune, St. Stephen)
Interval music
10.0 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. A programme in simple French, in which listeners are invited to take an active part. Script by Jean-Jacques Oberlin.
Scène: ' Une Partie de Campagne.' The Cabirol family go for a picnic, but they find that the countryside is not as peaceful as they had hoped.
Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
from a factory at Southend-on-Sea
with The Londonairs, Barry Took, Frank Weir, Carole Carr
James Moody (piano) Bert Weedon (guitar) Max Abrams (drums)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Lunchtime scoreboard
STORIES AND RHYMES. Reynard the Fox'; the traditional tale retold for broadcasting as a three-part serial by Julia Goodey. Part 2
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH ii. Scenes from ' Twelfth Night,' by William Shake speare. An arrangement for broadcasting by John Allen. Part 4
2.45 NATURE STUDY. Along the River. 1-Loach and Bullhead. Script by Christine Dudley.
Conducted by Norman Fisher
Art: Stephen Bone
Film: Catherine de la Roche
Theatre: J. W. Lambert
Radio: Lionel Hale
Book: Alan Pryce-Jones
by Michael Adams
On a lonely road high up in the Wasatch Mountains of America Mr. Adams stopped to give a lift to a man standing by the roadside. The man's name was Josh, and over the next two hundred miles he told Adams of his strange wandering existence. He was a ' hobo,' one of the dwindling fraternity of out-of-works left over from the 1929 depression who still roam the country, doing odd jobs on farms and filling stations.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Reporters : D. G. Bridson
Wynford Vaughan Thomas and Colin Wills
Editor, D. G. Bridson
Narrator, Edward Ward
Producer, Joe Burroughs
D. G. Bridson , Maurice Brown , Robert Pocock , Wynford Vaughan Thomas , Colin Wills , and David Woodward , all experienced reporters and commentators, have visited the countries of the Middle East in recent weeks to gather information on the spot, much of it in the form of recorded interviews and statements.
with Annie Ross
Benny Lee , Franklyn Boyd
Group One
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Announcer, Ronald Fletcher
Script by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson
Produced by Pat Dixon
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
followed by late weather forecast for land areas