Harold Smart at the BBC theatre organ
Forecast for land areas
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
1 Don't say I said so ' A talk by C. A. Joyce
Forecast for land areas
by a doctor
A gramophone miscellany including some of the latest issues
Sonata in C (K.330)
Variations on a Minuet of Duport
Fantasy in D minor (K.397) played by Denise Lassimonne (piano)
Sixth of ten programmes including all Mozart's piano sonatas
Mauve: the first synthetic dyestuff by Sir Alexander Todd , F.R.S. Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Cambridge
Symphony No. 4. in A (Italian) played by the Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Guido Cantelll on gramophone records
The Saviour died, but rose again
(BBC H.B. 497)
New Every Morning, page 99
Psalm 118, vv. 15-24 (Broadcast
Ephesians 3. vv. 1-13
Through the night of doubt and sorrow (BBC H.B. 186)
Michael Freedman and his Orchestra
An album of music and song with contributions by Ena Mitchell and the Granville Singers and Players
Directed by Cecil Woods
Introduced by Ian Stamp
Produced by Neil Sutherland
and his Latin-American Orchestra
An entertainment on gramophone records
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Cyril Stapleton directs the BBC Show Band with Alfred Marks, David Jacobs
The Stargazers, Janie Marden
Harold Smart , Bert Weedon
Dennis Wilson
The Show Band Singers
Script by Charles Hart
Bernard Botting and Bill Kellie Production by Leonard Trebilco
Two Bands from Fife:
Tullis Russell Silver Band
Bowhill Colliery and District
Silver Band
Conducted by Drake Rimmer
Air Marshal Sir Victor GoddardK .C.B., C.B.E. , tells another story of the early days of aeronautics that concerns a sea-ghost and a Welsh wood
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
The Rt. Hon. Arthur Creech Jones, M.P., gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
by Philip Wade with Leslie Perrins , Marjorie Westbury and Ursula Howells
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Production by Audrey Cameron
followed by late weather forecast for land areas