Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
Forecast for land areas
(Leader, William Mclnulty ) Conductor, David Curry
(Continued in next column)
A talk by Hugh Redwood
Forecast for land areas
Wilfred Lehmann (violin) Bernice Lehmann (piano)
Interval music
Awake my soul (S.P. 25. omitting vv.
2. 4. and Parts 2 and 3; A. and M. 3. omitting vv. 2, 4. and Part 2: C.H. 256. omitting vv. 2. 4, 5: P. and H. 172. omitting v. 3: Tune. Morning Hymn)
Interlude: ' Jesus appears to his
Disciples '
Prayers; the Prayer for Purity, the Lord's Prayer
Fill thou mv life (BBC Supplement
5: S.P. 492: A. and M. 705. omitting vv. 5. 6: P. and H. 143: Tune, Richmond)
The Jack Emblow Sextet
from a factory in London, E.C.1
with The Peter Crawford Trio, Len Marten, Pearl Carr, Cyril Fletcher
James Moody (piano) Bert Weedon (guitar) Max Abrams (drums)
Presented by Bill Gates
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Lady Violet Bonham Carter D.B.E. ,
Sir Robert Boothby, K.B.E., M.P. Dr. J. Bronowski
The Rt. Hon. Harold Wilson, M.P.
Travelling Question-Master:
Freddy Grisewood
From the Town Hall, Petersfleld.
STORIES AND RHYMES. The Princess and the Goblin' by George Mac donald. adapted as a three-part serial by Margaret J. Miller. Part 2
2.20 POETS AND POETRY. Alfred Tenny son: poems, chiefly lyrical, 1830. Robert Gittings talks about ' The Owl.' ' The Kraken.' and ' The Ballad of Oriana.'
2.45 NATURE STUDY. The Cuckoo, by Maxwell Knight.
Conducted by John Summerson
Theatre: T. C. Worsley Radio: Stephen Potter
Book: Pamela Hansford Johnson
Art: Eric Newton
Film: Freda Bruce Lockhart
chooses a gramophone programme of ballet music
Anona Winn. Joy Adamson Jack Train , Kenneth Home ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Presented by C. F. Meehan
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Banquet at
Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen
followed by late weather forecast for land areaa