The Luton Band
Conductor, Albert Coupe
Forecast for land areas
Conductor. Sidney Bowman
A talk by Hugh Redwood
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Jack Coles and his Orchestre Moderne
by Jean Mackie
STORIESfrom WORLD HISTORY. Ancient Egypt: The Adventures of Sinuhe (1962 B.r.). Script by Phyllis Drayson.
Praise the Lord! ye heavens, adore him (BBC H.B. 16)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 119, part 5 (Broadcast Psalter) Hebrews 3. vv. 1-14
0 heavenly word, eternal light (BBC
H.B. 37)
Jack White and his Band
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Lord Elton, Vice-President of the Empire Day Movement, talks about the work the Movement is doing in this country and overseas
Reports from Britain and overseas
playing some of the latest gramophone records
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
A play for broadcasting by Janet McNeill
Produced by Ronald Mason
from Winchester Cathedral
Quern quaeritis in sepulchroT
Exhortation, Confession. Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses (Morley)
Psalms 108 and 109, vv. 1-4 and 20-30 First Lesson: Isaiah 35
Magnificat (Stutham in E minor) Second Lesson: Titus 1
Nunc dimittis (Statham in E minor) Creed; Lesser Litany The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses: Collects
Anthem: Why rage fiercely the heathen? (Mendelssohn)
The Grace
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Alwyn Surplice
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting-place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Quaker Pegg F. Brayshaw Gilhespv. F.S.A. , talks about an eighteenth-century ceramic artist
From a Park Bench: Kay Hunter meets three elderly gentlemen who are regular visitors to their local park
Presented by Richard Baker
For Older Children
' Counterspy
A new radio serial by John Darran featuring security officers
Greg Vaughan and 'Rocky' Mountain in their latest assignment
' The Zolda Case'
3-' S.S. Bonaventura '
Production by Lorraine Davies
5.50 Children's Hour Prayers conducted by the Rev. Ronald Falconer
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Second Day
Henry Riddell introduces recordings of some of the day's events
Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Karl Rankl
A series of programmes about mental health and mental illness
6-The Price of Progress
Mankind's material progress continually imposes strains on individuals. The whole community must support those who are overcome.
In his famous sermon John Donne declared that ' no man is an island ' and that ' I am involved in mankind.'
Narrator. James McKechnie
Script by J. S. Campbell Producer. Archie P. Lee
If you have questions about topics raised in the broadcast, please write to Mental Health,' Broadcasting House, Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, W.2. A panel of specialists will give answers in the final programme of the series on June 4.
followed by late weather forecast for land areas