BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conducted by Guy Daines
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, David Paget )
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
'The Venture of Faith ' by the Rev. George Reindorp
'Setting Out'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
The Richard Crean Orchestra
on his seventy-fifth birthday given by Winifred Davey (piano) Janet Fraser (soprano) Norman Fraser (piano)
The Sands of Dee; The Little Bells of Sevilla; Water-lilies; Mermaid's Song
Allegretto (Suite of Three Pastorals); Valse caprice; Lotus Land: Air varié (Suite deuxieme); Danse negre
Nocturne: Autumn's Lute: Lullaby; Don't come in. sir. please
See page 3
by Alistair Cooke
HOW THINGS BEGAN. 2-Why Fossils are found on Land. Material compiled by Richard Palmer. Dramatic presentation by Honor Wyatt. (BBC recording)
The God of Abraham praise (BBC
Hymn Book 283)
New Every Morning, page 4
Psalm 96 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 7. vv. 37-52
0 Lord, thou art my God and King
(BBC Hymn Book 470)
Joseph Muscant and his Orchestra
For the Schools
by William Appleby
Hey ho, the morning dew (Irish song)
High Germany (English folk song)
The Barley Mow (English trad. song)
11.20 The World of Work: Meet the Youth Employment Officer
A talk by John Evernden.
11.40 Intermediate French: On se leve de bonne heure
Aujourd'hui, vous allez faire la connaissance de la famille de M. Bourdon, notaire. Demain, toute la famille va au mariage d'une cousine. et on fait les derniers preparatifs.
Texte de Yves Salaun
Regional Variations (2)
Margaret Radnor (soprano); Purnetl Attwood (cello).
A programme of gramophone records introduced by Robert Tredinnick
The Coronets
Frankie Desmond
Something to Sing About
Doreen Henry
Percy Edwards
A Note or Two from
Steve Race and Malcolm Lockyer
Harry Locke
Top of the Bill
Bruce Trent
Compere, Michael Miles
Augmented BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by John Simmonds
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Regional Variations (2)
For Welsh Schools. Living in the Country: The Harvest.
for COUNTRY schools. The Yew Tree's Story. Script by Vicars Bell
2.0 THE MUSIC Box by Gordon Reynolds
2.10 ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. Tunes at Play: an illustrated talk by Sidney Harrison
2.30 LET'S hear it AGAIN. Faurg's Pavane in F sharp minor
2.40 for THE GENERAL SIXTH. Your Money and Your Life. ' Economic Resources ': what they consist of and how they are organised. By Professor Brinley Thomas and John Allen
3 0 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS The fight between Cuff and Dobbin from
Vanity Fair ' by W. M. Thackeray
Regional Variations (3)
Kenyon Emrys-Roberts recalls playing percussion in an orchestra; with records.
Patients' request records
Interesting people who are
In Town Tonight interviewed by John Ellison
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Vilem Tausky
The Very Rev. Israel Brodie
A talk by the Chief Rabbi on the eve of the Jewish New Year.
For Younger Listeners
'Orlando the Marmalade Cat' from the story by Kathleen Hale
Told by Olive Shapley
Illustrated with music composed by Henry Reed who conducts a section of the BBC Northern Orchestra
4—' Orlando's Silver Wedding '
Produced by Trevor Hill
5.30 For Older Children
' Going to the Pictures and the Theatre': Eric Gillett reviews some of the plays and films now showing
5.50 The week's programmes
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News. sport.
comments on events abroad and on our relations with other countries
Regional Variations (5)
News in Welsh.
As North
Casterbridge Singers; Margot Andersen (soprano).
A Song for You. John Mc-Hugh; Nina Yanson: Raymond Woodhead Singers: Northern Variety Orchestra.
at Earls Court
A radio visit to the biennial exhibition of the S.M.M.T. at which manufacturers exhibit their latest contributions to the ever-widening range of commercial motor vehicles of all kinds.
Raymond Baxter and Robin Richards
Regional Variations (4)
Music by Frank Loesser.
The Little But Good: tribute to the Great North of Scotland Railway, by John R. Allan.
' Boldness be my Friend '-2. from the book by Richard Pape.
A programme of gramophone records introduced by Moore Raymond
Regional Variations (4)
' Education by Accident': talk by Harry Soan.
A New Bird Observatory: talk by Arnold Benington about the foundation and work of the second Irish Bird Observatory established this year on Old Lighthouse Island off the Copelands
' Round the Bend': short story by Dorothy Lane, read by June Barrie.
by Florida Scott-Maxwell
In this talk, which she describes as a 'flight of questions on age,' Mrs. Scott-Maxwell presents growing old as an absorbing occupation. For the old can put many questions to themselves and to the young; and the young may find it strange to believe how busy in mind they may be at the age of seventy.
Regional Variations (2)
Talk on Civil Defence by the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Earl of Home.
Talk by the Home Secretary,
The Rt. Hon.
Sir David Maxwell Fyfe ,
G.C.V.O., Q.C., M.P.
Regional Variations (3)
' I am the Enemy': play by Robert Gwyn.
Earthquake in Algeria: story of the recent disaster.
A play for broadcasting by Arthur Calder-Marshall
Special effects composed by Edward Williams
Produced by R. D. Smith
The Forged Act
Last of four talks by P. L. Ritzema , who has been examining some of the records of Parliament now being sifted in the Victoria Tower of the Houses of Parliament
followed by late weather. forecast for )and areas