Frank Baron and his Sextet
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' The Greatness of Forgiveness '
Bible reading and comment by the Rev. Maurice Dean
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Musical Comedy Memories played by the BBC Scottish Variety Orchestra
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
by Bronwen Jones
by Alistair Cooke
RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. The Centre of Christianity. The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt. Rev. F. A. Cockin. discusses some of the leading ideas in this series of talks, and speaks particularly about the Christian answer to Christ's own question, ' Whom do you say that I am? '
Feast of St. Patrick
I bind unto myself today (BBC Hymn
Book 170)
New Every Morning, page 22 Psalm 9 1 Corinthians 12, vv. 1-11
Be thou my vision (BBC Hymn Book
Band of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst
Conducted by Lieut. J. E. Thirtle, Director of Music
SINGING TOGETHER, by William Appleby
11.20 HOW THINGS BEGAN. 10— The First Potters.' Script by Rhoda Power.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH. ' L'Arlesienne.' Texte de Marcel Stellman , d'apres la piece d'Alphonse Daudet
Hear your hit tunes old and new sung and played by Diana Coupland ; Johnny Eager
Felix King ,David Hughes
The Stargazers
The Steve Race Sextet
Producer, Johnnie Stewart
A midday menu of radio artists known, well known, and unknown with the BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Introduced this week by Cardew Robinson
Produced by Alastair Scott-Johnston
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
At the Luscombes: 'No Dealers.'
presents some records from his collection
(Richard Attenborough broadcasts by arrangement with the Boulting Brothers)
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Sir Richard Grenville and the Revenge (1591).' Script by L. du Garde Peach
2.20 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS.The Dog that Bit People,' from ' Mv Life and Hard Times ' by James Thurber .
2.30 LET'S JOIN in. The Chinese Bubble Man' by Pauline Pidgeon
2.50 ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. ' Etgar's Enigma Variations ': second of two illustrated talks by John Russell
Regional Variations (2)
Service from St. Patrick's Memorial Church. Saul, Co. Down: Canon J. G. Pooler-Galbraith
A spontaneous discussion by A. G . Street
Lady Megan Lloyd-George
Malcolm Muggeridge
Ritchie Calder
Freddy Grisewood
From Okehampton, Devon
Produced by Nicholas Crocker
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Shpwcase: film and theatre review.
Regional Variations (2)
I Prescribe: hospital patients' requests (records)
"The Brown Bear of Norway"
A play by E. Lucia Turnbull with music by lanthe Dalway
Helen Carter. Raymond .Marshall
Henry Hinds Mary Johnston
Havelock Nelson May Turtle
Produced by Gethyn Stoodley Thomas
This story tells how Fiona, youngest and prettiest daughter of the High King of Ireland, released the Brown Bear of Norway from a witch's spell and restored him to his handsome princely shape. Because of an insult to the witch the prince was transformed into a bear, condemned to wander the earth until (which seemed highly improbable) there arrived a lady pitiful enough to marry him of her own free will and to endure five years of hardship with him as the spell wore out. The witch, however, had reckoned without the kind heart of the High King's youngest daughter.....
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (6)
News. sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport
News, sport.
William Aspden reviews some recently published books
Regional Variations (4)
Visit to Sutton Coidfleld for interviews with customers buying new records.
Irish Rhvthms: Light Orchestra; The Ulster Singers
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Regional Variations (3)
' The Fifty-One Society ' discussion.
As North
A series ofsixprogrammes on our standards of living and working, and the crisis that overshadows them
3-Fair Shares in Industry
Would industry function better if its earnings were differently distributed? An employer and an employee discuss with Ronald Hope the relative functions of the wage-earner and the shareholder and the justice of their respective rewards
Regional Variations (5)
Feature: The Countryside.
Cuirm Chiuil.
Byd Natur.
Band Night: Bristol Easton Road Salvation Army Band.
with Sam Costa
Maurice Denham , Diana Morrison
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Script by Richard Murdoch
Kenneth Horne , Anthony Armstrong with additional material by Talbot Rothwell
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
Kay Hammond , Joyce Grenfell
Gladys Young , Charmian Innes
Gilbert Harding , John Clements
In the chair, Roy Plomley
Produced by Pat Dixon
by Stanley Uys
Journalist and broadcaster
Regional Variations (2)
Mo-day Concert: Music by French composers.
by St. John Ervine who writes on page 5
Regional Variations (2)
International Chess: Great Britain v. Norway. Introduced by Henry Riddell.
A programme of familiar sounds and strange noises compiled and presented by Robert MacDermot
Great Britain r. Norway
White's seventh move (Great Britain)
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