Light Orchestra
(Leader, William Mclnulty )
Conductor, David Curry
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Light Music String Ensemble
Directed by Max Jaffa
' The Temptations '
Talk by the Very Rev. M. P. G. Leonard , Provost of St. Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
2— ' A Sheep-Dog Trial'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Joan Walker (soprano)
John Moore (cello)
Awake, my soul (S.P. 25 and A. and M. 3, Part 1, omitting vv. 2 and 4; C.H. 256. omitting vv. 2, 4. and 5: Tune, Morning Hymn)
Interlude: ' Toyohiko Kagawa '—2
Prayers; the Prayer of Forgiveness; the Lord's Prayer
Take up thv cross (S.P. 119 and A. and M. 263. omitting v. 6; C.H. 501: Tune, Breslau)
News commentary
The Kursaal Orchestra
Directed by Louis Voss
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT I, bv Marjorie Eele
To be repeated tomorrow at 9.45 a.m.
11.20 HISTORY i. ' A Witchcraft Trial': the story of the Boy of Bilston and the trial of Jane Clarke in 1620. Script by Sam Langdon
visits St. Dennis a china-clay centre in Cornwall
from a carpet factory in Glasgow
with Harry Gordon, Janet Brown, The Mansfield Singers
James Moody at the piano
Presented by Howard M. Lockhart
(Harry Gordon is appearing in "Aladdin" at the Alhambra Theatre, Glasgow)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened edition of last Saturday's recorded broadcast)
From the Chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge
Sentence and Exhortation Confession and Absolution
Versicles and Responses (Tomkins)
Psalms 59, 60. and 61
First Lesson: Exodus 6, vv. 2-13, and 7, vv. 1-7
Office Hymn: The fast, as taught by holy lore (E.H. 65)
Magnificat (Byrd, Second Service)
Second Lesson: Colossians 3, v. 12, to 4, v. 1
Nunc dimittis (Byrd, Second Service)
Creed, Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: In jejunio et fletu (Thomas Tallis)
Prayers and The Grace
Organist and Master of Choristers, George Guest
Assistant organist, David Lumsden
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
See Harold Rutland 's ' Music Diary '
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
The story .of Tommy Handley told by a circle of his intimate friends, and illustrated by recorded extracts from his shows
Written by Ted Kavanagh with contributions from
Jack Hylton , Wilfred Pickles Clarence Wright , John Watt G. H. Elliott , Percy Patterson
Collin Brooks and Ted Kavanagh
Narrator, Deryck Guyler Devised and produced by Tom Waldron
See foot of page