Terance Casey at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and The Montmartre Players
Directed by Henry Krein
' The Temptations'
Talk by the Very Rev. M. P. G. Leonard , Provost of St. Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow
5—' The Problem of Publicity'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Overtures and Entr'actes played by Guy Daines and his Orchestra
Rejoice, the Lord is King (S.P. 632;
A. and M. 202: C.H. 135, omitting v. 5: Tune, Gopsal)
Interlude: ' Toyohiko Kagawa '-3
Prayers; the Prayer for Purity; the Lord's Prayer
My song is love unknown (S.P. 127, omitting vv. 2, 4, 6: Tune, Psalm 47)
PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. ' The King Viper ' from ' Lavengro ' by George Borrow
9.45 GENERAL SCIENCE. Growing Up. 2—' How Water Animals Begin to Develop,' by Richard Palmer. (BBC recording)
To us in Bethlem citv (BBC Hymn
Book 315)
New Every Morning, page 15 Canticle 3 (Broadcast psalter) 1 Corinthians 3. w. 10-23
The Church of God a kingdom is
(BBC Hymn Book 183)
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
TIME AND tune, by Doris Gould
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. Herbert Hunter interviews workers at the Mint.
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The Moderns. 6—' Vaughan Williams : by Alan Frank.
from a sewing-machine factory in Clydebank
with Jack Anthony, Bond Rowell and Bertha Ricardo, Janet Brown, Billy Bowers
James Moody at the piano
and forecast for farmers and shipping
TRAVEL TALKS. Famous Places: 'The Pyramids of Egypt.' Script written by Lawrence Kirwan
2.20 LOOKING AT THINGS. Town and Village.' Script by Rose-Mary Sands Townspeople are often proud of ancient churches and historic houses but they like their hospitals to be as up-to-date as possible. Today's broadcast tells of the planning of a modern hospital.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH i. ' Cuchulain the Hound of Ulster.' 1—' The Naming of the Hound.' Script by Patrick Riddell
Conducted by Basil Wright
Radio: Tom Hopkinson Art: Hugh Scrutton Films: Paul Dehn
Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace Books: C. V. Wedgwood
1 Still More About Biffer'
A series of stories by Elf Lewis Clarke told by Ernest Jay 4
—' The Funny-Looking Man '
4—' The Glove has no Master'
(Continued in next column)
Production by Josephine Plummer
At last Jem has come face to face with the owner of the jewelled glove. But now he knows too much and cannot be allowed to go free. He is kidnapped and taken to the coast, imprisoned first in a lonely house on the Essex marshes and then in a strange upturned boat on the shore, with the two old men, Erasmus and Daniel, to guard him.
One evening Jem makes his escape, and, travelling first by water and then along the sea wall, he comes to the village of Virley. Exhausted by his journey he falls asleep in the churchyard. When he wakes it is moonlight, and a cloaked figure is standing over him. He looks up into the thin white face of Mr. de la Rue.
Shipping and general weather forecasts,
Ring Up the Curtain
A record from a popular opera
On Such a Night
An account of a notable occasion
This Swept the Town
A record from a formerly popular opera
One Night at the Opera
A reminiscence by a distinguished personality
Something Old, Something New
A historic record and a newly issued record
Why Do You Like Opera?
An interview with an opera-goer and Something Unexpected
with Benny Lee , Pearl Carr
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Announced by Ronald Fletcher
(from the projected programme
' Frolic with Fletcher ') Produced by Pat Dixon
Denis Matthews (piano)