Donald Thorne at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
' Jesus Called Them '
5—' Youth finds a Master '
A talk by Professor John Foster of Glasgow University
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by a doctor
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh light music.
BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
(S.P. 26; A. and M. 7; C.H. 261: Tune. Ratisbon)
Interlude: ' The Resurrection of Jesus'
Prayers; the Prayer for Happiness; the Lord's Prayer
The strife is o'er (S.P. 147; A. and M.
135: C.H. 122 (omitting v. 4): Tune. Victory)
Talk by Charles Oslborne
Mr. Oslborne describes a typical day's herring fishing off the west coast of Ireland
Records of extracts from ' The Childhood of Christ' and the Requiem Mass
News commentary
Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts (A. and M. 190; S.P. 549)
New Every Morning, page 37 Psalm 122 (Broadcast Psalter)
Acts 4, vv. 23-35
Jesus. Lord. we look to thee (S.P. 541)
Frank Chacksfield and his Orchestra
played by Hubert Rostaing and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (2)
Two plays: Glasgow College of Drama.
A programme showing the law at work, with scenes to illustrate the various stages of each case
Narrator, James McKechnie
Written and produced by Jenifer Wayne
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum.
from a canteen in Yate, Gloucestershire with Harold Berens
Cherry Lind
The Hedley Ward Trio
Freddie Carlé at the piano
Presented by Dun.can Wood
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A weekly sequence of favourite music from gramophone records made by world-famous artists
Robert Irwin (baritone)
Joan Davies (piamo)
The New London Quartet :
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin) Keith Cummimgs (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello)
Programme arranged by Basil Douglas
with The Regent Classic Orchestra
The Stargazers
Max Miller
George Swift Jimmy Young Steve Conway
Ray Martin and his Orchestra on gramophone records
Conducted by Roger Manvell
3.1 Films: Edgar Anstey
3.10 Theatre: T. C. Worsley
3.18 Books: Walter Allen
3.27 Radio: Frank Tilsley
3.35 Art: Raymond Mortimer
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Regional Variations (2)
Country Questions
London v. N. Ireland: Round 8
Denis Brogan , Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
Northern Ireland:
James Boyce , Ronald Green
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour: storv: serial play. Jim Davis.' by John Masefleld. Part 1.
As West.
' Holly Hotel
A new four-part serial play made from her book of the same name by Elisabeth Kyle
1—' The First Guests Arrive '
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden and Pharic Maclaren
5.35 Sing a Song of Scotland
1—' At Work and Play'
The Scottish Junior Singers
Conductor, Agnes Dunoan
Songs introduced by Neil Brown
The first of four short concerts of Scottish songs insipired by a theme
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport
News. sport.
News. sport.
News sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Scotland in the News: a radio news review.
Tom Jenkins and the Palm Court Orchestra
Janette Sclanders (soprano)
Regional Variations (4)
Continental Choral Exchange: Wales and Norway.
St. Cecilia Singers; Fred Adcock (violin).
Off the Field: sports quiz
The twenty-eighth episode in the new adventures of Shorty, a London taxi-driver by Cyril Campion and the Passenger
Regional Variations (4)
BBC West of England Light Orchestra.
As North
The Parson Calls: talk by Wilfrid Garlick.
A musical Irish blend with James Shaw , Rita Williams
The Parlour Singers and the augmented BBC Northern Ireland Light Orchestra
Conducted by David Curry
Regional Variations (2)
Music in the Modern Idiom.
Talk by John Connell
The speaker was a Balliol undergraduate a score of years ago. For him Oxford is changing, but changeless. The name stands for a university and for an industriat town, for a character that is romantic-and realist.
Regional Variations (3)
Feature on tuberculosis in Scotland: the programme explains the position, and tells what happens to the patient and his relatives; what the future holds: what is being done to treat the disease.
Brwyn ar Gomin drama gan W Vaughan Jones.
in a programme of topicalities with Helen Hill
A visit to one of Britain's largest and most modern oar factories
The Outside Broadcasts Department's commentators follow the construction of a 1951 model from the unloading of ore and coal, to the ' drive off ' at the end of the production line
Richard Dimble. by. Raymond Baxter
Bill Hartley , Max Robertson Brian Johnston. John Ellison
Regional Variations (2)
Viewpoint: Frank Taylor talks about Scottish affairs.
by Alistair Cooke
with Bernard Braden , Barbara Kelly
Benny Lee and Pearl Carr
Nat Temple and his Orchestra
Production by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (2)
French lesson.
Joam Alexander (soprano)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Anthony Pini (cello)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)