Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
' Jesus Called Them '
4—' A Weakling finds Power '
A talk by Professor John Foster of Glasgow University
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Requests from patients In hospitals and at home played by Dudley Savage (cinema organ).
Guy Daines and his Orchestra
Music for a While :
June Wilson (soprano)
Lily Kettlewell (contralto)
Alexander Young (tenor) Gordon Holden (baritone)
Robert Keys (piano)
Maurice Vinden (organ)
A talk by John Usborne
The speaker believes that this title is a plain statement of fact at the present day.
Records of the March of the Pilgrims from ' Harold in Italy ' and the Roman Carnival Overture
News commentary
The head that once was crowned with thorns (A. and M. 301: S.P. 175)
New Every Morning. page 33
Canticle 12 (Broadcast Psalter)
Acts 4. vv. 13-22
Rejoice, the Lord is King (A. and M.
202: S.P. 632)
The Norman Whiteley Trio
with Ronnie Joynes
(electric guitar) and Netta Rogers
Regional Variations (2)
Evelyn Center (soprano); James Kelman (bass-baritone); Marie Sutherlan 1 (piano).
* Insulting Words and Behaviour'
A programme showing the law at work, with scenes to illustrate the various stages of each case
Narrator, James McKechnie
Written and produced by Jenifer Wayne
Regional Variations (3)
Midway Melodies
The Maritza Players.
The twenty-seventh episode in the new adventures of Shorty, a London taxi-driver by Cyril Campion
Regional Variations (4)
As North
For Farmers.
News for Farmers.
' Cultivations for the Potato Crop ' by Denys Bullard of Wisbech, Cambridgeshire
from a canteen at Port Sunlight
with Arthur English
Margery Manners
The Harry Robbins Quartet
Fred Harries at the piano
Produced by Philip Robinson
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (2)
Country News and Market Report.
Introduced by Leslie Mitchell
This week's edition includes the following recorded items:
Woman's Angle: Jeanne Heal interviews the only cinema manageress in London, Mrs. A. Long
Picture Panel: Peter Noble, Christopher Hodge, and guest artist Googie Withers answer listeners' questions put to them by chairman John Slater
Hullo Hollywood: Gregory Peck discusses his part in 'Captain Hornblower'
Excerpts from the sound-track of Terence Rattigan's 'The Browning Version.' starring Michael Redgrave and Jean Kent, with Nigel Patrick
Script written by Michael Storm
Produced by Pat Osborne
Flora Nielsen (mezzo-soprano)
London Harpsichord Ensemble:
Manoug Parikian (violin)
Hans Geiger (violin)
Bernard Davies (viola)
Ambrose Gauntlett (cello)
Adrian Beers (double-bass)
John Francis (flute)
Millicent Silver (harpsichord)
Programme arranged by Basil Douglas
3-The Art of John McCormack
Introduced, with gramophone records, by Stephen Williams
by Charles Dickens
4—' Concerning the Wellers at home, and various other matters preliminary to the hearing of the case of Bardell against Pickwick '
Overture. Oberon (Weber): London
Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham. Bt.
On Hearing the first Cuckoo in Spring
(Delius): Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham. Bt.
Piano Concerto No. 2. in B flat
(Brahms): Solomon (piano) and the Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Issay Dobrowen
Scherzo capriccioso (Dvorak): Philharmonia Orchestra, conducted by Rafael Kubelik on gramophone records
Lt.-Cdr. H. W. Noakes R.N.R., ,looks back to the year 1883 and continues the account of his first voyage as an apprentice in sail
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour: story: talk: competition in Welsh.
'Maddy Alone'
A sequel in three parts to
' The Swish of the Curtain ' by Pamela Brown
1—' Nobody Cares '
Production by Josephine Plummer followed by ' Ajax Again': a new series of stories by Mary Patchett. 1-' Home-Made Circus '
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport.
News. sport.
News, sport.
News. sport.
News. sport.
News. sport
Music for a mellow mood with Pearl Carr , The Kingpins and Malcolm Lockyer and his Starlight Orchestra
Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (3)
French lesson.
Seeds for Spring Cropping
Are we making the best of our pigs?
Talk by H. R. Davidson
The speaker, who discusses an important matter of policy, has been associated with pig production as University lecturer, agricultural journalist, and pig producer.
Regional Variations (6)
Bream Girls' Choir.
Music from the Operas: Welsh National Opera Chorus; BBC Welsh Orchestra: Pamela Petts (soprano): Edgar Evans (tenor): Geraint Evans (bass-baritone).
As North
' The Way to Silver Street': play by Leslie Halward.
The Thursday Play: Ricroft of Withens.' by Halliwell Sutcliffe. Adapted in two parts by James R. Gregson. 1—' Ricroft Swings a Scythe.'
Another incident in the career of Police - Constable Archibald Berkeley-Willoughby
Script by Alan Stranks
'The Case of the Black Diamonds '
Production by Vernon Harris
Regional Variations (3)
BBC Scottish Orchestra. Mozart. Haydn (Symphony No. 101. in D minor). Tchaikovsky. From Alloa.
Sneak Your Mind: from Purton. Wiltshire.
Maria Stader (soprano)
Ernest Lush (accompanist)
Rubbra-Gruenberg-Pleeth Trio:
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
William Pleeth (cello)
Edmund Rubbra (piano)
Before an audience in the Concert Hall. Broadcasting House, London
with Kitty Bluett
Patricia Hayes , Fred Yule
Peter Sellers , Leslie Perrins
Bob and Alf Pearson
The Beaux and the Belles
Stanley Black and the Dance Orchestra
Script by Eddie Maguire and Ted Ray
Additional material by George Wadmore
Produced by Roy Speer
The Budget
with WaUas Eaton
The Keynotes
(Joy Nichols, Dick Bentley , Jimmy Edwards , and Wallas Eaton are appearing in ' Take It From Us ' at the Adelphi Theatre, London)
Regional Variations (3)
Science Review.
Ulster Commentary,' by John Hewitt
Snowfalls and Snowcover in Britain by Gordon Manley , D.Sc. Professor of Geography in the University of London
In this talk Professor Gordon Manley describes some of the meteorological conditions that lead to heavy snowfalls, and the extent of the snowfieids to be found on our highest hills.