Band of the Corps of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Conducted by Captain D. J. Plater , M.B.E.
Director of Music
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
' Jesus Called Them '
6—' Age bears its Testimony '
A talk by Professor John Foster of Glasgow University
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, David Paget )
Conductor, Robert Busby
and his Band with Johnny Eager
Jesu, lover of my soul (A. and M.
193; S.P. 542)
New Every Morning, page 41
Psalm 119 (4) (Broadcast Psalter)
Acts 5, w. 1-11
Father, hear the prayer we offer (S.P. 487)
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Edgar Evans (tenor)
with Derek Roy
Lynnette Rae
Douglas (Cardew) Robinson and the Teen-Agers
At the organ, Eric Easton
At th.e piano, Harry Carmichael
Presented by Eddie Fraser
Recorded on board H.M.S. Jupiter in the Gareloch
(Derek Roy is appearing at the Prince of Wales' Theatre, London; Eric Easton at the Spa Royal Hall, Bridlington)
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Shortened recorded version of last Sunday's broadcast in the Light Programme)
with Margaret Rawlings
Athene Seyler
Isabel Dean
Margaret Lindsay
Griffith Jones
Robert Henriques
In the chair, Roy Plomley Production by Pat Dixon
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, Charles Groves
by Giles Cooper
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Julian Snow , M.P., gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
Jimmy Jewel and Ben Warriss
The Harold Smart Quartet
Jimmy Wheeler
The Four Aces
Issy Bonn
After the Intermission:
Gerald Young
Luton Girls' Choir
Cyril Fletcher
BBC Varie,ty Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Bill Worsley
by W. Somerset Maugham
Adapted for broadcasting by Mabel Constianduros and Howard Agg
Produced by Ayton Whitaker