and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Charlie Kunz (on records)
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
An anthology of favourites
A thought for today: P. H. B. Lyon
'It's your idea'
Mixed choice of records. The high spot is Danse Boheme (Carmen) played by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
at the organ of the Gaumont, Birmingham
News commentary and interlude
from p. 57 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 18 of Each Returning Day'
Harry Fryer and his Orchestra
and his Band, with Marjorie Kingsley and Renee Lester
played by the BBC Northern Orchestra, conducted by Julius Harrison
ENSA concert for war-workers. The Ken Johnson Band, with Don Johnson. Guest artist, Sydney Howard
All sorts of people tell how, why, and where they have grown more food
followed by a recording of last night's postscript
sung by Nellie Carson and Violet Carson
Tribute in song to people who deserve a compliment, by Donald Peers and Marjorie Ralph. The Salute Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Idris Lewis. Devised and compered by Jimmy Kennedy , and presented by Mai Jones
Symphony No. 4, in G played by the BBC Orchestra, conducted by Alec Sherman
Melville Christie's Dance Band, directed by Lloyd Shakespeare
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Grandfather, father, and son compare notes on life in Scotland yesterday and today : Alexander Inglis , James Inglis , Alexander Inglis , Junior
at the theatre organ
and the Dance. Orchestra, with Sid Buckman and Ken Beaumont
Sgwrs gan Tom Jones. (Talk in Welsh)
5.20 ' Bill Aylesbury and his Friends' : story by Geoffrey Dearmer , told by Mac. 1—' Bill goes on the stage '
Sinclair Logan singing songs by Peter Warlock
5.45 ' How to Tame Animals ' : talk by Sir Garrard Tyrwhitt-Drake
National and Regional announcements
by John Buchan. Adapted for broadcasting by Winifred Carey. Produced by John Cheatle
Episode 1 t
plays Chopin's Sonata in B minor
How it works. First of six health talks by a doctor already well known to listeners
[Home Service continued opposite
Magda Kun , Joe King , and Bryan Michie in the fourth broadcast of this series, with Victor Lyndon and the Postman. BBC Revue Orchestra, conducted by Mansel Thomas. Written by St. John Cooper and Loftus Wigram. Presented by Eric Spear
featuring Geraldo and his Concert Orchestra
(Part I)
Isobel Baillie (soprano) ; Gladys Ripley (contralto) ; Parry Jones (tenor) ; Norman Walker (bass). BBC Chorus. BBC Orchestra : conductor, Sir Adrian Boult. Organ, G. Thalben-Ball . Continuo, Herbert Murrill
Gramophone records from Carl Sandburg 's collection of American folk songs
Play by Algernon Blackwood , produced by Lance Sieveking
Time : 1935. Place : The Savoy Alps
Reading of prose or poetry selected by a guest to the microphone. Produced by Edward Sackville-West
and his Orchestra