and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Jeanette MacDonaId and Nelson Eddy in songs from their films
Exercises for men
7.40 Exercises for women
An interlude
A thought for today
The Rev. John A. Ramsbotham
followed by Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
As seen by a food demonstrator Mrs. Yeomans
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
Introductory music: Prelude on 'Blessed Jesu' (Ba<-/t)
Order of Service
Theme: 'Blessed are the pure in heart'
Introductory talk
Come, gracious Spirit (A. and M. 209 ;Rv. C.H. 188. Tune: Hawkhurst)
Reading: St. Luke 2, vv. 40-52
Prayers and Lord's Prayer
Blessed are the pure in heart (A. and M. 261 ; S.P. 458; Rv. C.H. 478. Tune: Franconia)
Closing music
Tunes from the Great White Way on gramophone records
at the theatre organ Dance tunes old and new
News commentary and interlude
from p. 77 of ' New Every Morning ' and p. 34 of ' Each Returning Day '
Records with the accent on the singer rather than the band
Children and their gas-masks:
Hints for mothers, by Mr. Security
11.0 Music and movement for infants
Ann Driver
11.20 Interval music
11.25 Speech training for Scottish schools
Anne H. McAIlister , D.Sc.
11.45 Talks for sixth forms
Written by Charles Penrose
Produced by Ernest Longstaffe with Clarence Wright, Jimmy Bond, John Duncan, Reginald Mitchell, Claude Pilgrim, and Charles Penrose
At the piano, Ivor Dennis
How the Germans behaved on another occasion
A talk by Hylton Cleaver
Captain Hylton Cleaver attended the last Oympic Games, which were held in Berlin. On this occasion, when the Germans were hosts to the entire world, they went out of their way to entertain well, to dress the shop windows, and to publicise their sportsmen, who were all state-aided and state-enhanced. You will hear a description of the opening ceremony attended by Hitler.
An ENSA concert for war-workers with Helen McKay, Stanelli, Arthur Salisbury and the Savoy Hotel Orchestra with Victor Lyndon
A bulletin prepared by the Royal Horticultural Society for English gardeners and by the Scottish Gardens and Allotments Committee for those in Scotland
From a West-Country concert hall
Laelia Finneberg (soprano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
2.0 Travel talks'
Palestine: The land of many invaders
H. V. Mortcn
2.15 Interval music
2.20 'If I were British'
Hans thinks the British rather wasteful
2.40 Orchestral concert series
Ronald Biggs
' Beethoven and his mmic '
played by The Band of His Majesty's Royal Marines (Chatham Division)
Conducted by Lieutenant Thomas Francis , Director of Music, Royal Marines
Order of Service
Holy Spirit, Lord of light (W.H. 48a)
Address by the Very Rev. Antoniut Maguire, O.P.
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament:
A Salutaris
Antiphon: Sub tuum
Prayer for peace Tantumergo Adoremus
A ditty of the present for a deed from the past
Devised by Vernon Harris and Phillip Leaver
with Betty Huntley-Wright
Dick Francis
Paula Green
Roderick Jones
BBC Revue Orchestra
Leader, Boris Pecker
Conducted by Hyam Greenbaum
Presented by Vernon Harris
by a soldier's wife
played by members of the Dartington Hall Chamber Music
Robert Masters (violin) Nannie Jamieson (viola)
Muriel Taylor (cello)
Sgwrs gan y Parch. Joseph Jenkins
(A talk in Welsh)
' Louis Pasteur '
A play by Gethyn Stoodley Thomas and J. B. G. Thomas
Cast : also Cyril Martin, Tom Jones, Kitty Short, Madoline Thomas , and Donald Wells
followed by National and Regional announcements
The man and his work
The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Ronald Knox
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Discussion illustrated by poets, critics', elocutionists, teachers, and the plain man on. English verse and how to speak it
A competition in verse speaking, judged by Herbert Read ,
James Stephens , and Clifford Bax
Nuages gris
Mephisto waltz No. 1 (The dance at the village inn) played by Louis Kentner (piano)
Keir Hardie
The Father of the British Labour
Party by George Blake and Hector McNeil
Produced by John Gough
The House of Commons is now a ruin, but the democratic tradition of free speech for which it stood is indestructible. This is the story of a Scot who did as much as any man to maintain and broaden that tradition.
Sir Denys Bray, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., C.B.E.
This is the first of a series of three talks to be given on what, though we are apt to forget it, is one of the most important factors in contemporary politics. Sir Denys Bray was from 1920 to 1930 Foreign Secretary to the Government of India. From 1930 to 1937 he was a Member of the India Council and at the end of this time he held the post of adviser to the Secretary of State for India.
A Showland story written by Harry Alan Towers
Cast :
Revue Chorus and Dance Orchestra, directed by Billy Ternent
Lyrics by James Dyrenforth
Music and production by Michael North
played by BBC Theatre Orchestra
Leader, Tate Gilder
Conducted by Reginald Burston
Trefor Jones
V. C. Clinton-Baddeley
Sonata for clarinet and piano played by Pauline Juler (clarinet)
Howard Ferguson (piano)
with Monte Rey , Bette Roberts ,
Bob Arden , June Johnston