and summary of today's programmes for the Forces
Records of Ella Fitzgerald , the coloured swing singer and band-leader
Exercises for men
An interlude
A thought for today
The Rev. Leslie D. Weatherhead
followed by Programme Parade
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Today is the first anniversary of the start of this series of talks, and, in honour of the occasion, Lord Woolton, the Minister of Food, will himself address listeners
Records with the accent on the singer rather than the band
at the theatre organ
Introductory music
Theme: Blessed are the peace-makers '
Introductory talk
Thy Kingdom come, 0 God (A. and M. 217; Rv. C.H. 152. Tune: St. Cecilia)
Reading: The Christ of the Andes ' Prayers and Lord's Prayer
Soldiers of the Cross, arise (A. and M. 588 ; S.P. 642 ; Rv. C.H. 341. Tune: Crucis milites)
Closing music
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
News commentary and interlude
from p. 25 of New Every Morning ' and p. 116 of ' Each Returning Day'
A programme of records about well-known guitarists
Written and arranged by A. P. Sharpe
This week-Dick Mclntire
Topical notes on wartime health, mainly by doctors
11.0 Music and movement for infants
Ann Driver ,
11.20 Interval music
11.25 Speech training for Scottish schools
Anne H. McAllister , D.Sc.
11.45 Talks for sixth forms
Books that we remember: The Ring and the Book '
The Very Rev. F. A. Jremonger ,
D.D., Dean of Lichfield
John Fry (violin)
Vera Canning (cello)
Henry Bronkhurst (piano)
Ait ENSA concert for war-workers with The Southern Sisters
Jack Simpson
Al Collins and the Berkeley Hotel
Orchestra with June Bell
A bulletin prepared by the Royal Horticultural Society for English gardeners and by the Scottish Gardens and Allotments Committee for those in Scotland
Douglas Fox (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Section A)
'Leader, Paul Beard Conducted by Constant Lambert
2.0 Travel talks
' A village in Tuscany '
Barbara Ward
2.15 Interval music
2.20 ' If I were British'
' Taking care of the pence' by Honor Wyatt
2.40 Orchestral concert series
Ronald Biggs
Allegretto from Beethoven's Symphony No. 8, in F
An illustrated talk on this movement, which is to be included in next week's orchestral concert
played by Percival Mackey and his Orchestra
by Ursula Bloom
Characters: John Dorant; Anne Sinclair; Zoe Hill; Clement Lewis; Lena Grey; a waiter; a steward; and a taxi-man
the musical small-coal man
A programme of gramophone records presented by Ralph de Rohan
When the children reached
Australia ' by Ivan Smith of the Australian
Broadcasting Commission
Songs and duets by Doris Cowen (contralto) and Foster Richardson (bass)
Sgwrs gan y Parch. G. E. Breeze
(A talk in Welsh)
5.20 A story for younger ones
5.30 'Listen to our song birds '—2 A talk by Ludwig Koch , illustrated by recordings of the skylark, swallow, blackcap, and many other birds
by Vernon Bartlett
followed by National and Regional announcements
Fortnightly news and views about books, pictures, science, and films, presented by Joseph Macleoo
Leader, Laurance Turner Conductor, Gideon Fagan
Discussion illustrated by poets, critics, elocutionists, teachers, and the plain man on English verse and how to speak it
' Are there any rules ? '
A discussion on prosody and whether a knowledge of it helps in the reading of English verse
Louis Macneice and Robert Nichols
A revue written by Phillip Leaver. Lyrics by James Dyrenforth and Phillip Leaver. Music by Kenneth Leslie-Smith with Adele Dixon , John Carol ,
Charles Heslop , Paula Green , Kitty de Legh , and Hugh Morton
The Dance Orchestra conducted by Billy Ternent
Produced by Reginald Smith
3 < Today and tomorrow' by Sir Denys Bray , K.C.S.I.,
K.C.I.E., C.B.E.
The 'Funny Men', Shorty, Lofty, Pincher, Nobby-not forgetting the Sergeant-and the Ship's Band, invite you to an entertainment on the quarterdeck of H.M.S. St. George
Incidents in the life of the Emergency Medical Services in wartime, based on material collected by a doctor
Produced by Stephen Potter
This programme, which is divided into four parts, tells the story of the ' doctors of the blitz' (medical men, nurses, ambulance drivers, stretcher bearers) from their inception through the earlier war days, through the arduous waiting period right down to the moment when they went into action with a will. The programme has been prepared in consultation with medical personnel who have been in the blitz since it started, and among those in the story listeners will hear are members of the mobile aid post which had to clear bomb damage in a well-known London dance restaurant.
The Rendezvous Players
Devised and arranged by Sidney Crooke
sung by Mary Bonin (soprano)